Tue, Jul 7 2015 - After Work Hike at Vickery Creek -- Mill Side (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Trish, Sue M.
Participants:Sue M., Beth H, Mo, Carolyn Naser, Rick G., Tom R, Steve F, Eve, cindy h, Trish, Carm H, Gil, Mark F, LINDA D, Brian Scott Finnegan, Billie, Diana

Write Up:

Last evening's hike was hot, hot, hot but we got through it in record time.   We welcomed Trish who is on her way to becoming a trip leader.  Below is her write up for our event. 


We had a big turnout for the After Work Vickery Creek Hike.  Even in this heat we got our miles done right on time.  Some were even treated to seeing a deer along the way. In addition, you might remember smelling a fire as we crossed the covered bridge to finish.  Sue can tell you a story about that. Be sure to ask her about it next week!
Thank you all for letting me be a part of the group and co-lead/sweep.  You guys are getting stronger every time I see you!
Thank you for helping through the PTL process!