Wed, Jun 15 2016 - Wednesday Evening Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Allston
Participants:cindy h, Sue M., Allston, Gayle M., Rick G., LINDA D, john everly, Sandra, Dennis

Write Up:

Last night you could cut the air with a knife it was so humid! Despite that, our group powered through and completed our (extremely sweaty) hike at Island Ford. Along the way we encountered two turtles, one of which was digging a whole (to lay eggs in, perhaps?), a deer and a pretty copperhead snake who I had to gently "encourage" to leave the trail.

The earlier rains had created a beautiful mist floating above the river, and for once we weren't treated to the cacophonous honking of the local geese, so it was a peaceful evening. The lowering clouds also kept a lot of the other usual hikers away, so we pretty much had the park to ourselves.

If not for the oppressive heat/humidity, it would have been a pefect evening, but even so our group had a great hike. Thanks to everyone who came out and see you again next week!