Sun, Oct 16 2016 - Fabulous 2016 Art on the Eastside Beltline (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Sue M., Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Larry S, Leigh B, Ross K, Jean, Huiling, Sue M., Emily, Pat Pekatos, Bo, Michelle, LINDA D, Denise M, Isabelle, Eileen F., Bill, Anne L, Dan A, Mary T, Smitha, Allison B., Eileen

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Write Up:

An excellent day on the Beltline! We saw many art exhibits, a herd of goats guarded by Pierennes dogs, we passed through the Ponce City Market, walked through the Historic Fourth Ward Park, lunched at the Krog Street Market, enjoyed King of Pops treats, and passed through Piemont Park before returning to our cars. We covered about 9 miles, but it was easy because of all the stops and breaks.  

A happy event, enjoyed by all. ~ Joyce