Sat, Oct 8 2016 - Saturday Morning: Let’s Find the GOLD at Gold Branch (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Carol
Participants:Carol, Jose F., Linda H, Larry S, Mtn Mike, Sharon, Carolyn Naser, Smitha, Eric M, Bette, Pam, Shirley N, Janet G, Kristen, Cathy K, Lynn F., Garth F., Gary Babiarz

Write Up:
We could not have asked for a more beautiful day. We checked on the car ruins and the car is looked pretty bad! We made our way around the lake counterclockwise, transversed up and down Some hills and than opted to go along the lake again in a clockwise direction. What a different experience ! Didn't know how hilly going clockwise actually is! Regardless, everyone appeared to have a great hike and a good time.