Sun, Oct 8 2017 - Morning Hike at Sope Creek (Paper Mill Entrance) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Diana
Participants:Barbara, Dennis, Diana, Linda, Shana, Lee Ann

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Write Up:

Only five hikers ventured out this morning to join me at Sope Creek - Dennis and the girls - last night my roster had about 16 people on it but I guess the rain drove them all away.  It started as a light rain but soon turned into a downpour.  We were all drenched to the bone even those with rain jackets and ponchos.  We hike about 1 1/2 hours and approx. 4 miles before calling it quits.  Thanks to our newest AOC member, Linda, for the photos - it was her first AOC hike and she picked a good one.  She was so brave.  Griff (Lee Ann's dog) had the must fun and the rain didn't seem to bother him at all.  My new OBOZ boots are supposed to be waterproof but my feet were still soaked, maybe because I was sloshing around in puddles that came up over my ankles.  Dennis hiked with an unopened umbrella - not sure why but he never opened it.  Thanks Lee Ann, Shana, Linda, Dr. Barbara and Dennis for joining me this morning  - see attached photos.
