Sat, Sep 14 2019 - Neels Gap to Hogpen Gap and back (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Chuck R
Participants:Steve T, Gary 'L', Chuck R, Ray Stewart, Wally H, Cathy, mark mattke, Mike Pawloski, Jasmine

Write Up:
We need rain in those mountains!! Most of the small creeks and branches are all dried up especially in the Raven Cliff Wilderness, east of Neel's Gap. Lots of aromatic scents of fermented leaves and other plants. The woods are ready to give up its leaves and prepare for fall. Still seeing some late summer blooms like Asters and some black eye Susan's. There were also one Golden St John Wort on the trail. The hike went well unless you want to add in the backside of the trail - especially difficult towards the near finish at Levelland Mountain. I still enjoy the old beaten trails of what the club has taught me - so much history in this area of the A/T. We had a trail Angel at Hogpen Gap... cold drinks were just the answer for our group. There were also some trail magic where someone dumped a tent, air mattress and a z - lite pad. The panoramic views were all clear - it was really a good day. I had a group who could keep a fast pace. Cathy Lee and Steve Taite really stepped up their game. It was good to be with some old trail friends. Good times! It was great meeting Gary, hope to share more hikes with him in the future. We all loved Kody being on trail! Thank you Michael Pawloski for a lot of Trail maintenance - he collected a large heavy duty trash bag of trail trash. We ended the hike with a cooler full of cold refreshments and sitting in our camp chairs sharing trail stories.