Wed, Aug 5 2020 - Sweetwater Creek 6.5 (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Chuck R
Participants:Chuck R, Jean, Ryleigh Reinhard, Ann, Agnes H, Jennifer W, Neil, Richard, Mary Reed, Gary 'L'

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THE WRONG TURN! Should've gone with exploratory on event page but it's just Sweetwater Park. Decided to put in the green trail... well there is a junction in there with a well designated two track to the Southeast. I took it briefly until I knew we were going into a descant back into the Creek. Also I needed a right turn for my clockwise loop at a Northeastern direction. Did I say it was a green blaze?? This group caught it and was already chanting bonus miles. So much for the distance maybe 300 feet! It was a good Dog walk.... we had Rufus and Abu on the hike which is a perfect distance in this hot weather. Agnes informed us that she is ready to bring another fur friend on trail ( Abbey ) with Chase her other trail friend. It was nice to have Ann Curcio on the hike - maybe when things get back to normal she will bring back her famous Snicker Doodles!