Sat, Mar 13 2021 - Peaceful Paddle in the Cypress Forest of George L Smith State Park (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Allston, Rosemary P
Participants:Allston, Rosemary P, Larry Cooper, Susan P, Heidi W., Thomas W., Tim W, Don B, Desi, Ann

Write Up:
It was a beautiful spring morning when we met for our paddle on the Mill Pond at George L Smith II State Park. The event began with a minor hitch – we were asked by a park ranger to move our group to a different boat ramp than the one we had told everyone to meet at. Luckily it was not a problem and we were able to get quickly onto the water – after some quick first aid for Ann by Heidi! Let’s all say a quick prayer for Ann’s poor finger. The water was still and looked like glass when we launched – dusty glass, as pollen was beginning to settle on the water. The yellow trail runs beside the boat ramp that launches from the north shore in the middle of the lake, so we followed it, winding our way through the still, quiet water. This cypress forest is such an unusual landscape, we were just in awe of it. It looked sometimes like an optical illusion, like you could slide out of your kayak and down into the reflection of the sky. The trail blazes are moderately easy to follow. There were definitely some moments where we had to really search for them, but otherwise it was smooth paddling. Following the blazes is important because you could easily get lost in there – sometimes the trees get very thick and it is easy to get turned around. We did not see any gators, but we did see lots of turtles and a big osprey nest, and it’s beautiful resident. It was such a beautiful paddle that the participants who were staying overnight in or near the park decided to meet and paddle again the next morning.