Sun, Dec 20 2009 - Kennesaw Mountain Morning Fitness Hike - Intermediate to Advanced Hikers (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Stefan, Danny
Participants:Danny, John Weatherman, Marshall, Nate, Tom Avgikos, David Thompson, Stefan, Nikita, Mark Krummel, Stacie Krummel, Alan Stephens, Pam G, Scott Sanders, Steven K, Marc J.

Write Up:
It was a very brisk and overcast morning, but a great one for hiking.  We got underway just after 8:00 and were at the parking lot on top of Big Kennesaw within 20 minutes.  We spread out a bit as usual where everyone grouped up according to their paces.  Soon were were standing at Burnt Hickory getting cold so we then split up between those with more time on their hands and those that needed to get back.  Stefan led the group that needed to get back and the rest proceeded to Noses Creek.  The Noses Creek group circled back at the creek and headed back towards Pigeon Hill the long way.  Soon they were cresting Pigeon Hill and heading back over the mountains to where they started.  The group needing to get back did 5 miles and the Noses Creek group ended up doing 8.5 miles.  Great fitness hike this morning!