Sat, Dec 31 2022 - Early New Years Eve Twice Around Leita Thompson Memorial Park (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Dolores H, Lee W, Marie-Felixe, Shirley W, Gloria Colley, James H., Marianna, Sue M., Mary S, Carl J, Jan T, Michael, Hannah

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Write Up:

We ended the year with a hike that was a bit chilly and a light mist for the first third of the hike and the temperature in the mid 50’s. We proceeded in a clockwise direction until we came back to the trail head, took a break to water and to delayer, turned around and returned the way we came. As we stopped for a group picture at the pavilion toward the end a light rain started, fortunately only for the last 5 minutes of the hike.
