Sat, Sep 2 2023 - THE FULL 50 Greenway (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:David Zurn, Horhay, Chuck M, Tim W

Write Up:

Awesome ride out there today, perfect weather, great company. Glad I was able to introduce these fellas to Sawtooth Pass...heck they smoked me like a brisket out there today too....and I was the young buck??? We also welcomed in new AOC member David, who thought it was appropriate to give a tiny blood donation to the trail Gods...thankfully nothing serious! 50 miles with a 15mpha not too shabby...especially when you see that route profile - until next time, keep the wind to your back and the rubber side down!
Cheers, Horhay!


Photo from a rare moment today where we didn't see anyone...maybe this was THEE only time too.
Horhay, David, Chuck & Tim

Full 50