Wed, Oct 20 2010 - Wednesday Kennesaw Mountain Power Hike to Big Rock & Back (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Danny
Participants:Connie, Amy, Danny, Scott Sanders, Jon Miner, Alan Seitman, Cindy, Armin

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Write Up:
Great hiking weather this evening!  We got underway early because everyone arrived early, which was nice.  The very strong group made it to Big Rock in about 40 minutes.  We paused for a few minutes at Big Rock and then started heading back across.  When cresting Little Kennesaw the sun set.  Last week it set when we were on the top of Big Kennesaw.  It was pretty dark coming off of Big Kennesaw, but people were still heading up the mountain.  Everyone got a good sturdy hike in this evening.  We'll have to shorten it to the loop on top of Little Kennesaw for the remainder of the Wednesday evening hiking season though.  Until next time!