Fri, Mar 9 2012 - Camp, work party and mtn bike ride (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Patrick Barry
Participants:Patrick Barry, Al, Kirk W, colleen, Christie D, Charles W, Becca S, Ali, Jorge, Cris

Write Up:
Friday night began with a caloric intake in preparation for the weekend riding. Since we feasted at Mulberry Gap the food coma kicked in, along with micro brews, leading to an early bedtime.  The showers were nice and toasty for those willing to grab one in te morning, especially after a cool evening of sleeping under the stars.

The mega-work party got off to a good start and we made excellent progress.  Our group performed much needed maintenance on P2.  We debermed, did a few nics, a rail, removed dead trees and some pruning.

After lunch we headed out for a long ride on Bear Creek, to P1 to P2 and back to Mulberry Gap.  We grabbed hot showers, chowed, and went to bed.  A few of us rode P3 and P2 on Sunday.