Tue, Jan 1 2013 - New Years Day Trail-of-the-Hare CHEDDARHEAD Hike & Party (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charlie Cottingham
Participants:john everly, Joyce Ann, Charlie Cottingham, Stephen

Write Up:

As expected we had a very rainy Jan 1st and you AOCers who opted out of this wild and crazy annual event were probably wise to postpone your participation till next year!  There were only 80 or so of us AH4 hashers and guests at the big event this time around, including just four in our "AOC subgroup."  The hares' trail had a good deal more "shiggy" than most previous Cheddarheads and took us through 3 or 4 miles of viney woods including five crotch-deep crossings of Peachtree Creek.  Our "On-In" party near NE Plaza at the trail's end (in the low-lying back yard of "Afterburner") was likewise a bit of a quagmire.  Fortunately we had plenty of cold beer, Wisconsin-style food & door prizes and rowdy "down-down" singing to keep us from worrying about how cold, muddy and wet we were.
- Charlie "Dirty Limerick" Cottingham, Jan 2nd