Sun, May 4 2008 - Skydive The Farm: Tandem Skydiving (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Jason Kotz
Participants:HTOBIN, Lynn Tobin, Melanie Marks, RAQUEL VAZQUEZ, Lindsey K, Lauren McCormick, EB, Jason Kotz, Heather B., Jennifer Westworth, Dave Gregory, Tim D'Angiolillo, Candie, Abbe, JLinn, Cristy, Shannon Brooks, Lance S, Eileen Tooke, Hana, Sarah B, Eric Chaney, Jay G

Write Up:

Jason's photos from the day

Jason's Skydive the Farm pictures

Jason's skydiving video

Jessica's photos from the day

Elizabeth's Skydive the Farm pictures

Cristy's photos from the day

Cristy's Skydive the Farm pictures

Raquel's skydiving video

So after a couple of months of phone calls to the owner Hans at Skydive the Farm, planning, and collecting last minute payments from people that had to be convinced that they would survive, the AOC was ready for it's first skydiving event. We had one last minute cancellation due to sickness (or was this just that knot of fear that we all felt the day before?). Saturday had brought thunderstorms to Atlanta, but by the time of our 9am carpool the look of sunshine was starting to peak through the fog. One carload had risen early and made the trek from Copperhill, TN and another successful AOC Surf & Turf Event to greet us with bloodshot eyes and foggy stories from a weekend of camping and rafting.

We left and headed to our destination of Skydive the Farm in Rockmart, GA

Everyone arrived at the office and started literally signing their lives away on a waiver that had more blanks needing initials than a house purchase agreement. We were put on a long list and then would spend the day hanging out in the beautiful sunshine and making new friends and talking about our nervousness as we watched AOC members called in groups of four at a time and sucked into the Skydive the Farm process. They had a large hanger where people would fold and pack their chutes, jumpers would hang out and discuss their jumps, kids would roam wide-eyed and watch the busy activities, dogs would wander about looking for food, people would rest on couches, or play games of pool while they waited.

As our names were called we were introduced to our Tandem Skydive Master, fitted with a jump suit (if we desired one), strapped into a harness, given a 5-10 minute explanation of what we were going to do, and most times our instructors would enjoy poking fun at our fears by relaying their horror stories, talking about their drunkenness, asking us questions about their own gear or their ineptitude of what they were trying to do. We watched as our friends would be lead off into a packed van, and we would wait while we watched the skies above every 30-60 minutes for the plane to appear high above us and the now familiar skies to be dotted with parachutes and everyone landing safely in the fields in front of us.

Of course, since I was dealing with AOC waivers in the beginning, instead of this Trip Leader getting to be the first to jump I was instead one of our last bunch to go. I got to watch as everyone walked or was trucked back to the hanger with excitement in their eyes and smiles and laughs about what an awesome experience they had. All of our new AOC skydivers thanked me for organizing an awesome event and then asked, "Have you gone yet?" "NO!" My nervous anticipation was evident as I just bounced around and waited over the next 3 hours for my turn to come.

Then it was time... I met my Tandem Jumpmaster Steve and my videographer Skydive Dave. I went through the now familiar process, jumped on the bus for my 5-10 minute ride to the airstrip, and boarded the plane. On our way up, explanations were given, fears were building, and we watched as the door went up and jumpers went out at 10,000ft as we stayed and waited. Once our 14,000ft altitude was reached, I was on my knees shuffling forward towards that door and telling myself I would not be that one person that went into a panic and refused to jump out a perfectly good airplane.

OMFG... I'm about to really do this... the adrenaline was pumping faster and faster and faster as I shuffled forward... there went Tequila Dave out the door... my video guy climbed out the door and hung out waiting to film my fall... I could not help it as my wide-eyed gaze was glued to the ground A LONG distance beneath me... Steve grabbed my head and arched me backwards as I screamed “AOC BABY... YYYEEEEAAAAHHH”... and I was lifted and spun out the door and into the sky....

For me and others, that's where the fear actually ended... it was an intense 30-40 seconds of pure weightlessness with a giant fan in front of my face... I saw the world beneath and as far as I could see across the horizon... Skydive Dave was in front of me giving weird hand signals as I shuffled my hands and pumped my fists and hurtled towards the Earth... WOW, I had ridden the front seat of some of the tallest and fastest roller coasters in the world, but my head was pumping with adrenaline and excitement as I tried to take in everything that my senses were experiencing for this biggest thrill of my life... Then, whoosh, I was taken back up and the intensity stopped as Steve released the parachute... we twisted and turned as we slowly and peacefully floated down… he THEN explained our landing procedure to me... he pointed out The Farm and the airstrip… and I looked around at the trees and the fields spread out as far as I could see... we came in for a smooth landing on our butts as Dave ran up to record my first thoughts from my new experience… “WOW, that was F'n AWESOME”^^^

It started so fast that we never got an AOC group shot of everyone that attended. Poor Abbie was lead off too early on the wrong plane and didn't get a video of her first jump :( Melanie was glad she could check this experience off her life's list, but the video that was shown and the absolute terror in her eyes at the jump door was enough explanation why she'd never want to skydive again. Those of us that hung out at the end got a great after jump shot and why they call him Tequila Dave.

All in all, I believe that 21 AOC members shared an unbelievable experience on a perfect day thanks to the Atlanta Outdoor Club and Skydive the Farm. I actually woke up the next morning bummed out that I was not going to be Freefalling that day. I can say with certainty that I and several other AOC’ers are not done… and we WILL definitely be back for another jump!

"Jason, video or not that had to be more fun than I have had in I don't know when." - Abbie Howard

"it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had!" - Raquel Vaquez

"I can't stop grinning and laughing, so I'd say two thumbs up for sure." - Elizabeth Boyle

"I had always wanted to do it but don't think I ever would have gotten up the courage to go do it on my own. I don't know about you but I am still running on the adrenalin!! It was fantastic!" - Eileen Tooke