Sat, Mar 5 2022 - Woody Gap to Jarrard Gap and Back on the AT *Plan B, Still a D4 (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Kristi, Lisa
Participants:Lisa, Kristi, pradeep, SusanF, Clay Davies, Christa, LIM Verona (Laura M), Sunnie

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Write Up:

The Blood Mountain Wilderness never fails to please. We could not have had a more cohesive team nor more perfect weather for our advenure. We began by pivoting from our original plan, deciding to start at Lake Winfield Scott. We worked together to quickly devise a route that satisfied every single one of us. We enjoyed babbling streams, rocky trails and sweeping vistas on our ascents and descents. We encountered a smattering of through hikers, as well as scout and family groups, sharing the trail.

We had the boulders at the Blood Mountain summit all to ourselves for part of our lunch break. Chatted with a Ridgerunner with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy who was providing education and trail maintenance near the shelter. We walked and talked in the dappled sunlight before parting ways until next time.