An Extraordinary Adventure in the Swiss Alps - Tue, Aug 26 2025

REGISTRATION & PAYMENT REQUIRED: Once you've reviewed the event details, and decided you'd like to join us, you MUST sign up at the bottom of this page. This is a paid event with payment managed through the AOC. Please read the event description carefully for details; you will be given payment instructions after you sign up. Late payments are NOT accepted for this event, in any circumstance.

An Extraordinary Adventure in the Swiss Alps

The Basics:
Event Type:Adventure
Event Location: Switzerland   Adventure: An Extraordinary Adventure in the Swiss Alps  National Weather Service Forecast
Date(s) & Time:Tue, Aug 26 2025  12:00 pm >> Wed, Sep 3 2025 12:00 pm
Registration Opens: Mon, Jul 15 2024 7:00 pm
Registration Cut Off: Fri, Aug 16 2024 9:00 pm
Event Duration:8 Days
Difficulty Rating:D5: Difficult (Exploratory)
Distance:43 Miles
Trip Leader(s):
Email Trip Leader(s)
You must be logged in to get the Trip Leader contact information.
Member Cost:$25.00/Person (See Detailed Cost Info Below)

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 21 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:12
Minimum Group Size:8
Number Registered So Far: 12 / 15 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: No

Note: This is an "EXPLORATORY" trip. This means that there are parts of this trip, or perhaps the whole trip, that is new to your Trip Leader(s). However, they are confident that this will not be an issue.
This note is here so that you can make an informed decision. When a Trip Leader isn't personally familiar with a trip, there is an increased chance of things not going as planned and you need to be prepared. The Trip Leader may have additional details in the itinerary.



An Extraordinary Adventure in the Swiss Alps


Enjoy an exhilarating 9-day/8-night adventure in the Swiss Alps, featuring day hiking from two charming mountain villages: Grindelwald and Zermatt. Planned highlights include close-up views of the legendary Eiger, Jungfrau, and Matterhorn; sweeping vistas from mountain peaks; and spectacular Alpine glaciers, lakes, rivers, and gorges.



This trip balances an ambitious itinerary with time to savor the dazzling environment of the Swiss Alps. We’ll stay a total of eight nights in two well-located mountain towns, setting out each day on nearby adventures. We’ll extend our reach by leveraging the area’s excellent network of mountain railways and cable cars.

Planned hikes range from D3 to D5. Some involve higher altitude hiking, rocky paths at times, and occasional sections with nearby drop-offs. It’s not suitable for inexperienced hikers, but nor is it a grueling multi-day slog.



I created this trip from scratch after doing extensive online research about the area to supplement a prior visit and by experimenting with various hiking routes. A custom trip delivers more features, flexibility, and value.


Grindelwald Village* Day 1 (Tue, Aug 26) -- Arrive in the centrally located village of Grindelwald. Featuring excellent shops and facilities, it’s accessible by rail from international airports in Zurich and Geneva. Welcome dinner. Five nights in Grindelwald.

PHOTO CREDIT: Grindelwald Village, Diego Tirira, Creative Commons License BY-SA 2.0






Falhorn Peak* Day 2 (Wed, Aug 27) -- Hike to Faulhorn Peak at 8800’, featuring pristine alpine lakes, a waterfall, and an epic view of the mountains and valleys that characterize the Swiss Alps. (Estimated hiking: D4, 9 miles, 2300’ ascent & descent.)

PHOTO CREDIT: Faulhorn Peak, Pmau, Creative Commons License BY-SA 4.0






Eiger Monch & Jungfrau Peaks* Day 3 (Thu, Aug 28) -- Hiking amid the towering peaks of the Eiger and Jungfrau mountains. (Estimated hiking: D5, 10-11 miles, 3,400’ ascent & 1,450’ descent.)

PHOTO CREDIT: Eiger, Monch, & Jungfrau Peaks, Steinmann. Photo in the Public Domain.







Lake Brienz* Day 4 (Fri, Aug 29) -- Free day to take a tour to the Top of Europe, explore a nearby mountain town, enjoy a boat ride on scenic Lake Brienz, or just relax.

PHOTO CREDIT: Lake Brienz, nicojonesgodel, Creative Commons License BY-SA 4.0



Baregg Mt Hut* Day 5 (Sat, Aug 30) -- Hike from town through the Glacier Gorge to the Baregg mountain hut, perched on the edge of a cliff and overlooking the Grindelwald Glacier. (Estimated hiking: D5, 7 miles, 2,900’ ascent & 1,700’ descent.)

PHOTO CREDIT: Baregg Mountain Hut, Armin Kübelbeck, Creative Commons License BY-SA 3.0






Gorner Gorge* Day 6 (Sun, Aug 31) -- Morning train ride to the car-free town of Zermatt, surrounded by mountains and glaciers, home to the Matterhorn and some of the finest views in Switzerland. Afternoon hike through the Gorner Gorge. Three nights in Zermatt. (Estimated hiking: D3, 6 miles, 1,300’ ascent & descent.)

PHOTO CREDIT: Gorner Gorge, Tiaa Monto, Creative Commons License BY-SA 3.0






Matterhorn Glacier Trail* Day 7 (Mon, Sep 1) -- Hiking on the iconic Matterhorn Glacier Trail, featuring multi-angled views of the imposing Matterhorn. (Estimated hiking: D4/D5, 7-10 miles, 1,300-2,100’ ascent / 2,400-3,200’ descent, slightly technical trail in spots, difficulty depends on options.)

PHOTO CREDIT: Matterhorn Glacier Trail, Noel Reynolds, Creative Commons License BY 2.0






Gornergrat and Gorner Glacier* Day 8 (Tue, Sep 2) -- High-altitude hiking to the majestic Gornergrat (Gorner Ridge) and Gorner Glacier, bookended by scenic rides on the Gornergrat Bahn cog railway. 10,000 feet  altitude at the top. (Estimated hiking: D4, 6 miles, 2000’ ascent & descent.)

PHOTO CREDIT: Gornergrat and Gorner Glacier, Andrew Bossi, Creative Commons License BY-SA 2.5




Zermatt Village* Day 9 (Wed, Sep 3) -- Optional brunch and morning walk around Zermatt, with attendees traveling on their own to their departure city or next destination.

PHOTO CREDIT: Zermatt Village, Andrew Bossi, Creative Commons License BY-SA 2.5







NOTE: If not extending their stay, attendees will need to take an overnight flight from Atlanta the day before the AOC event starts (Mon, Aug 25). On the return, attendees likely will need to stay overnight in their departure city before catching a flight the next morning (Thu, Sep 4).



Due to prior experiences, this event is a “book-it-yourself” trip in which attendees will book their own lodging and ground transportation (along with flights of course.) I've researched everything, so I’ll be able to provide guidance.

By planning early, hopefully we’ll be able to secure good pricing on both flights & lodging. But be aware that Switzerland is a relatively expensive destination, and the topography of the Alps adds to that cost.

   * Flights – Zurich and Geneva are the two closest airports, offering multiple options for Atlanta-based travelers.

   * Lodging – Both mountain towns have a range of lodging choices, with good-quality hotel rooms available with advance booking for $100-$150 per person per night for double occupancy and private bathroom. Small apartments are available at similar prices.

   * Meals – Some Swiss hotels offer complementary or discounted breakfast. Attendees can take a packed lunch for most of our day hikes, with the option on some outings to purchase food at mountain cafes. Dinners mostly will be ad hoc.

   * Transportation – In addition to traveling to/from/between Grindelwald and Zermatt via train, we’ll use various mountain transit systems for many of our hikes. Some of these are thrilling adventures on their own, but they can be pricey. We can save money with the purchase of a half-price pass and potential group discounts, but attendees should expect $400+ for their ground transportation.

   * Entrance Fees – The planned itinerary includes only one known entrance fee, at Gorner Gorge in Zermatt. (About $6.)

   * Other Expenses – Additional expenses common to an overseas trip include travel insurance, credit card/ATM/currency conversion fees, laundry, sightseeing costs during free time, purchased services, tips, etc.

The only pre-paid cost is a non-refundable $25 AOC Service Fee.

NOTE: In-country expenses will depend on the currency exchange rate; $1 U.S. dollar currently equals about .89 Swiss Francs. Cost estimates are accurate as of the event posting date, so they definitely can change over time.



Switzerland is easy to get to, get into, and travel through. For U.S. citizens, all that’s currently required for entry is a U.S. passport that’s valid at least 90 days after the planned date of departure from the 26-country Schengen region. There is a new European registration requirement called ETIAS that's scheduled to be implemented next year, so we'll keep an eye on that. See the U.S. Embassy tips for visiting Switzerland.

The official currency is the Swiss Franc (CHF), although Euros are accepted in some places. Credit cards are widely accepted and ATMs are readily available.

The three primary languages are German, French, and Italian, with Swiss German the most common in Grindelwald and Zermatt. English is commonly understood in most areas frequented by international travelers.

Please visit the U.S. State Department website for any current travel advisories to Switzerland.




This trip requires physical suitability along with adaptability in a group setting. It requires that you:

   * Be an active AOC member with a significant event history at the appropriate difficulty level so you can be properly evaluated.

   * Be an accomplished hiker with recent AOC D5 experience. This event requires stamina, agility, and no fear of heights. If you’re a strong D4 hiker who wants to be considered, go do some AOC D5s. :) If the TL has not hiked with you, he may ask you for a recommendation from another TL.

   * Have a demonstrated history conducive to a group event.



Before registering, here are some considerations to help you decide if this event is a good match:

   * You are committing to participating in the full event.

   * Some of the hiking will be at higher altitudes, topping out at about 10,000 feet, along with significant ascents and/or descents over relatively short distances. (This may make some hikes rated D4 feel more like a D5.)

   * There will be occasional hiking with rocky trails or adjacent drop-offs, requiring good balance and a comfort level with heights.

   * However, this is *not* an extreme event. We’ll generally stay on T1/T2/T3 hiking trails (classified as hiking/mountain hiking/advanced hiking) and avoid T4 and above sections that are highly technical or exposed. Because of this, we sometimes will be amid other hikers and may experience occasional crowds at popular spots.

   * The best hiking will require an early start on many days, often with (pricey) mountain transportation you will need to purchase.

   * We’ll stay together on our hikes. We’ll stop more frequently than a typical AOC event to savor the environment (and catch our breath), with an expected moving pace generally in the range of 2.0–2.5 mph, likely a little slower on any rocky climbs/descents and a little faster on smooth flatter terrain.

   * Although the planned hikes have been thoroughly researched, the TL has not personally done them so actual conditions may differ from what’s anticipated.

   * There is a planned itinerary but the TL may make changes based on conditions and circumstances. Being flexible is essential.


What Happens Next

This event is set for a minimum of eight and a maximum of 12 attendees. (The min/max numbers in the initial event listing are there temporarily to facilitate the sign-up process.)

If you are interested in joining, please sign up when it opens for registration. You will be placed on a waiting list. Please note any special issues.

In addition to evaluating registrants’ AOC event history, physical fitness, and group compatibility, logistical considerations may affect the selection process. These include whether you will attend the event only if another member can go and, in the case of last-minute additions, your ability to quickly make the necessary arrangements.



Required Items to Bring:


- Valid passport. Must not expire for at least 90 days after your planned date of departure from the region.

- Possible ETIAS online registration. (TBD.)

- Good hiking shoes/boots.

Recommended Items to Bring:
Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.


Day pack.

Refillable water bottles and/or bladder. 

Hiking poles. 

- Layered clothing to adapt to warmer temps at the base, cooler temps at elevation.

- Rain gear and dry bag/waterproof pouch in case of wet conditions.


First aid kit.

- Any medicines you’ll need for the duration of the trip.

- Plug adaptor for electronic devices. (Switzerland uses Types C & J outlets.)

Important information for paid events in which payment is managed through the AOC:

     - Payment must be received by the payment due date and prior to participation in the event.

     - Some paid events require a minimum number of registered participants. If that number is not met, the event will be canceled and refunds will be issued to those who have already paid.

     - Third-party vendors often require damage deposits. Each registrant agrees to be liable for and required to reimburse the Atlanta Outdoor Club for any withheld deposits due to the actions of or damages caused by that registrant.

     - No partial payments. All registrants must pay the posted Member Cost regardless of any agreement you may have with any party involved in the event.

     - Read the event description carefully for additional information, and contact the trip leader(s) with any questions.

* We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines while participating in AOC events.

Cost & Payment:
Member Cost:$25.00/Person
Cost Includes:

The only prepaid attendee cost is a nonrefundable $25 AOC Service Fee that's due soon after being moved to the attendee list.

Payment Cut Off:Payment must be received by the AOC on Fri, Aug 16 2024.
Make a Payment:Click here for the details. PLEASE PAY AFTER YOU HAVE SIGNED UP BELOW.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:   Please review the AOC cancellation policy.

The event won't be cancelled unless a) it's unsafe to travel to Switzerland for some unlikely reason or b) the TL is unexpectedly unable to attend and can't find a replacement. (In the latter case, full details of the hikes and other logistics will be provided to attendees to be able to complete the event as a non-AOC trip.) Partial attendance is not available. It's recommended that attendees purchase travel insurance to protect themselves.