Atlanta Outdoor Club - Volunteers

About the AOC > Volunteers

Officers and Administrators
Gary 'L': President, Trip Leader
Greg Pharo: Senior Vice President, Trip Leader
Kip: Junior Vice President, Trip Leader
Joyce B.: Member Ambassador, GATC Liaison, Trip Leader
Ann: Member Ambassador, Trip Leader
Chuck M: Director of Events and Trip Leader
Trish: Director of Trip Leader Training and Recruitment, Trip Leader
Nahid: Director of Paid Events, Trip Leader
Lisa Maldonado: Director of Social Events. Trip Leader
Dee W: Assistant Director of Technology
Jaime: Director of Technology
Katherine Bennett: Director of Social Media and Content, Trip Leader
Doug: Director of Finance
Pam Y: Treasurer
Joyce T.: Secretary, Volunteer Training Coordinator, Trip Leader
Lisa: Volunteer Training Coordinator, Trip Leader
Mike C: Volunteer Training Coordinator, KMNBP Liaison, Trip Leader
SusanF: CRNRA Liaison and Trip Leader

See our Job Descriptions for more information.
Trip Leaders
Allen D
Anna Bullis
Beth Ash
Bill S
Bill Wey
Bob Bunner
Carl J
Chris L
Colin S
David W.
Deb R
Dolores H
Doug N
Drew W
Eric P
Erica B
Gary Hubert
Holt Ward
Hugh Baker
Jan T
Jerry K
Jim W
Joseph Wang
Larry Cooper
Laurie M
Leigh B
Libby G
Lisa L
Lisbelle C
Mark P
Memphis Russ
Michael Johnson
Mike Pawloski
Mike S
Myra Kincaid
Pam M
Ralph Howard
Ray Stewart
Richard A. Zalik
Ron Ramspeck
Ron Walker
RonnyJ (Call me Ron)
Stacey Johnson
Steve H
Steven R
Sue M.
Teresa S.
Tim W
Todd M
Tom Jarosz
Tony C
Tricia S.

We always are looking for trip leaders. If you think you may be interested, please email the Director of Trip Leader Training and Recruitment at

Trip Leader

Gary 'L'

I LOVE HIKING.  Yes, I never feel more alive than when I am hiking.  This attraction began with family hikes to waterfalls in the Shenandoah during my elementary school years and was rekindled when I became a scout leader for my son's pack and troop where I was first introduced to camping and backpacking and then taken deeper into the woods.  Scouting brought me to lead a couple of 10 day treks in the Rockies and a 2 week trek (with no resupply) portaging lakes in the Canadian wilderness after we were dropped with our canoe from a sea plane.  

After becoming an empty nester, I began solo hiking the AT on weekends.  I have backpacked all of the AT in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.  The AT has taken me to snow up to my knees, yaktraxing on sheets of ice ditches, and testing 5 degree mountain base temperatures (don't know how cold the summits were as there was no good reason to stand still and look!!) After finishing the tri-state backpacking journey, I then day-packed the same 3 states and am now working on Virginia around mile marker 800.  I have come to enjoy the AT's hiker hostels and trail town communities on these slack-packing trips.  Please join me as I approach 1500 AT miles as we day-pack and "hostel hop" these states again and see if you can convince me to just thru hike the whole 2193 mile AT (by day-pack of course).  

I am a newbie to the AOC having joined in July, 2019.  The people are terrific and the leaders have shown me that there is a large and wonderful  universe of trails in metro Atlanta, our state, and beyond.  I am delighted to have this opportunity to give in return by sharing my AT experiences with fellow hikers.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Gary 'L'.

Senior Vice President
Trip Leader

Greg Pharo

Greg was born and raised in Alabama, where he grew up hiking in the rolling Appalachian foothills as a Boy Scout. He also spent summers in the West, trekking with his family through Montana, California, and Arizona. After coming to Atlanta for college Greg discovered the trails, lakes, and rivers of Georgia’s Blue Ridge mountains – first with his buddies and later with his wife and their kids. 

His favorite outdoor activities include mountain hikes, backpacking, camping and kayaking. Greg is especially keen on AOC hikes in north Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee.  

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Greg Pharo.

Junior Vice President
Trip Leader


I moved to the Atlanta area in 2014 for a new job.  At the time, I had no idea how close Atlanta was to the mountains, and how much green space the area had to offer. Quite by chance, I bought a house that is practically in the shadow of Kennesaw Mountain. Kennesaw is where I learned to love hiking. I joined the AOC shortly after moving here, but only hiked occasionally from 2014 through 2021.

When I retired in 2021 from a long career in supply chain solutions I began to hike regularly with the AOC.  My health and fitness improved dramatically, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the adventures and friendships I have experienced since becoming more active in the club.  I decided in late 2022 to volunteer as a Trip Leader to give something back to the club and all of our members.

In addition to hiking, my other interests include reading (non-fiction of all kinds), foreign travel, wine, cooking and trying to get my kids to move to Atlanta. I hope to live in the Atlanta area the rest of my life.


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Kip.

Member Ambassador
GATC Liaison
Trip Leader

Joyce B.

I am a native Atlantan who grew up in Decatur and Tucker. As a young adult, I  lived in Paris for a  year and in New York City for 15 years. I have always been a passionate walker, but only got into hiking 10 years ago.

During my year in Europe, I “backpacked” with a Eurorail pass on trains, sleeping in train stations and hostels. In NYC I was an enthusiastic urban hiker. When I returned to Atlanta in 2005, I continued my urban hiking but wanted to go further afield. I started looking for a group to hike with since I was not fearless enough to explore longer trails on my own. An internet search brought up the AOC. After a wonderful first hike at Sweetwater Creek State Park, I was hooked. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed hiking trails - in the Atlanta area, the Georgia mountains, and adventure trips with the club  - that I never would have done on my own. And just as much the company of many fun and interesting fellow hikers.

 While I enjoy shorter hikes, my favorites are 8-10 miles with 1500-2500 elevation gain. I look forward to giving back to the club after it has given me so much over the years.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Joyce B..

Member Ambassador
Trip Leader

Event Interests:  Hiking, Backpacking, Kayaking/Canoeing, Biking
Ann joined AOC in March 2006 after moving to Georgia from North Carolina.  This is where I got my re-start in hiking.  My parents, along, with my seven brothers and sisters did alot of camping when I was growing up.  Returning to the outdoors is a satisfying spirtual experience.
I really like meeting people, especially on backpacking trips.  You really get to know them. 
One of my favorite hikes is at Black Rock Mountain, why? - well, that's where I met Ralph (hubby and frequent co-leader).  Hey there really are some great people out there!  Come join us!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Ann.

Director of Events and Trip Leader
Chuck M

I have always been an “outside boy,” and have always spent a lot of time outside. As a kid it was playing in the creek and exploring the woods. In my 40s I began running for health. And I became an assistant scoutmaster, going on many backpacking trips. That led me to become immersed in ultralight backpacking, to the extent that I sewed much of my backpacking gear. After my sons were out of scouting I continued to hike and backpack until I got obsessed with running and did a dozen marathons. I joined AOC to renew my love of backpacking, but then took up cycling and started riding 10,000 miles a year. But now I’m back to hiking and backpacking. I’ve discovered that I love almost anything that involves being outside and engaging in strenuous exertion. I hope to bring opportunities for a wide variety of outdoor activities to AOC!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Chuck M.

Director of Trip Leader Training and Recruitment
Trip Leader


Trish grew up in north Florida where the terrain is very similar to that of south Georgia.  As a child she loved the outdoors.   Some of her favorite memories were of swimming, canoeing, water skiing, fishing, horseback riding and camping. She came to love nature and so when in college chose to study Biology and, to understand the details, Chemistry.   This helped her earn a living, but something else always called for her attention back outside. For the last few years she trained for and raced foot races, swim races and triathlon. She even finished three full Ironman races, 140.6 miles each. Today she will say she has given all that up and wants to become a hiker, a strong hiker.   Racing taught her a lot about endurance events and pace.   Trish typically hikes at a moderate pace. She likes weekday hikes of four to six miles long and weekend hikes over ten. She loves the water and plans to offer kayaking and perhaps some swimming events.   For now this is where her heart is. Come join her if you would like to see where Atlantans go to play. You’ll probably even get a good workout in.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Trish.

Director of Paid Events
Trip Leader


I’ve been an AOC member since 2013 and enjoyed all the hiking and backpacking I’ve done with this group. I’d like to be a more active member in this amazing organization. Some of my trip leaders suggested me to be a trip leader to be more helpful.

I’ve been leading a hiking group back in my home country, Iran, for a couple of years.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Nahid.

Director of Social Events. Trip Leader
Lisa Maldonado

Lisa was born in NY and moved to Atlanta in 2004.  Lisa's adventures and friendly spirit inspired her to becoming a Leader for AOC. She loves to travel and is often searching for unique destinations to explore. Her camera is always close by.
Event Interest: Hiking, Backpacking, Bicycling, Kayaking, Outdoor travel adventures and Photography

Lisa is a Flight Attendant with Southwest Airlines and immensely enjoys her career.

Lisa has been a member of the AOC since 2006. She has served 2 terms as President of the club.
Join her for future events.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Lisa Maldonado.

Assistant Director of Technology
Dee W

Dionne (Dee) has been a member of the AOC since August 2022. She was born in Canada, raised in Jamaica, earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees in NY, and has lived in the Atlanta area since 1994. She loves the outdoors! Prior to being a member, she hiked several trails around town and also in north Georgia and in the southern North Carolina mountains. This amazing club has provided her with the ability to hike in a group, meet people with similar interests, and to explore lesser known hiking trails in our state.

When she's not hiking, she's either biking, swimming, spending hours doing yardwork, or working on home renovation projects. She also loves traveling, cooking, and baking. Her 9 to 5 is in the field of information technology at a software consulting firm.

She's working her way up the "D" ladder, hoping to go on an AOC-led adventure abroad soon.

She is looking forward to assisting the technology director with the AOC website and any other technical needs.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Dee W.

Director of Technology

Event Interests: Hiking, Camping, Backpacking, Caving, Scuba Diving, and Whitewater Rafting

I was introduced to the AOC in January of 2008. Since then I've been exploring all of the different activities and events that the club has to offer. I always wanted to learn to scuba dive and when the event popped up on the calendar last year I jumped on the opportunity. I'm now a certified open water diver. I've also discovered that I love backpacking and caving. There are still a lot of outdoor activities that I haven't tried yet and I can't wait to experience them all. I'm also excited about doing what I can do as webmaster to enhance the functionality and improve the end user experience of the site.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Jaime.

Director of Social Media and Content
Trip Leader

Katherine Bennett

Katherine was born in tropical Hawaii, but grew up around flat cornfields in Indiana where there were no opportunities for hiking or skiing mountains, and other challenging outdoor activities. (However, like many other Hoosiers, she played a lot of basketball during her school years!)

She fell in love with the outdoors when she moved to scenic Montana for a news position - and found many opportunities outside of work to play in the mountains, the Missouri RIver and Glacier National Park.

Katherine moved to Atlanta in 2000 and immediately fell in love with Georgia's diverse landscape and all it has to offer.

She joined the AOC in 2009 and enjoys a variety of activities including: hiking, caving, kayaking, camping, hang-gliding, sky-diving, snow and water skiing, running and biking.

Katherine has a passion for photography and may organize trips, from time to time, that allow for some creative picture taking opportunities.

Those who know Katherine best describe her as easy-going, fun, organized and reliable. She has held leadership positions in both her career and non-profit volunteer organizations and looks forward to growing and meeting new people in her role with the AOC.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Katherine Bennett.

Director of Finance

Coming soon...

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Doug.

Pam Y

Coming Soon...

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Pam Y.

Volunteer Training Coordinator
Trip Leader

Joyce T.

I was born in Baltimore, but grew up in Miami, Florida and completed my undergraduate degree from Florida State University. (Additional degrees were earned at Georgia State and West Georgia.) I taught school both in Miami and Delray Beach and eventually moved to Georgia in 1979. I taught high school English and Psychology in Cobb County, GA before retiring in 2010.

Having spent 31 years in the classroom as a dedicated teacher (my job defined me), after retirement, I felt the call of the outside world.  I was thrilled to discover the AOC in November of 2010, and had my very first hike on November 14th of that year.  I became immediately addicted to the thrills of the trails and have loved hiking as well as some of the other events the club offers - - kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, bushwhacking, caving, and socializing!

I have been very proud to serve the AOC as both a trip leader and a Member Ambassador.  I am grateful to have made many close friends in the AOC and hope to continue to offer members a variety of hikes both in the East Cobb area and in Gwinnett.

I had two sons.  My younger son died at the age of 28 in 2005. My son who is still living is an attorney for the Securities & Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C.  He is married and has two young children - - Julian and Serena - - so I am a grandmother!  I was widowed in 2019 after 53 years of marriage and now live with just my cat, Cricket.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Joyce T..

Volunteer Training Coordinator
Trip Leader


Lisa moved around a lot as a kid, living in St. Louis, Chicago, Dallas, and Virginia Beach.  However, she says she "grew up" in the suburbs of Detroit because she lived there from kindergarten through 9th grade.  Some of her fondest memories were etched in Michigan, through weekly ski trips with the junior high school ski club, riding her bike on the wooded trails behind her house, jumping on the trampoline, skating on the homemade rink in the backyard, playing kick the can with neighborhood kids until dark-thirty, and watching meteor showers from a boat docked on a lake in the Upper Peninsula.  Winters were long and cold, and summers were short but filled with the joyous abandon of shedding the many layers of clothing required just for the walk to the bus stop.

Fast forward to adulthood:  Until a few years ago, Lisa was more likely to be found with her nose in a book than exploring the outdoors.  Oh sure, she played tennis and softball, went fishing, and strolled on the beach, but she didn't rediscover her passion for the outdoors until a friend encouraged her to check out the AOC.  On her first event, she was hooked.  She had neglected to pay attention to the D4 designation, so she could barely keep up with the group and her muscles ached for days, but she had the bug, all right.  Now she can be found on a trail, or on the water, or on a mountaintop every chance she gets.  She's still a nerdy bookworm, but now her favorite reading nooks are under a shady tree or on a screened porch.  As a trip leader, she hopes to have the honor of journeying with others as they rediscover their child at heart.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Lisa.

Volunteer Training Coordinator
KMNBP Liaison
Trip Leader

Mike C

Event Interest: Hiking and Photography

I grew up in the South Cobb area, hiking and camping in North Georgia and adjacent areas of Tennessee while in High School. I left the area for 29 years due to college and a series of jobs out of state. Returning to the area I returned to hiking with family and by myself. In 2013 another AOC member and fellow employee working for the same company I worked for, from Texas I might add, told me about the AOC. One week later I was an AOC member. When I left the Atlanta area in the mid 70’s there were a handful of trails widely scattered. What I found when I returned was a wide variety of both urban and what I grew up calling trails. 



See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Mike C.

CRNRA Liaison and Trip Leader

I was raised a city girl in Lima, Peru and discovered the great outdoors in my mid-40s while living in Alaska.  I fostered a love for nature during my 22 years in the Pacific Northwest (15 in Alaska, 3 in Washington, and 4 in Oregon).  In 2012, I joined the AOC three months after arriving in Georgia.  Beautiful trails, bountiful hikes, and like-minded members became good companions as I embarked on a new life.  After crisscrossing many trails, I looked for ways to give back and in 2014 became a volunteer with the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (CRNRA).  You’ll frequently find me outdoors, hiking, cycling, paddling, volunteering and sharing a common bond with AOC members and CRNRA volunteers.
In my role as liaison between the AOC and CRNRA I hope to increase awareness of volunteer needs, and encourage good stewardship of the Chattahoochee parks and trails.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by SusanF.

Trip Leader

Aaron, originally from Otahuhu, New Zealand, spent the majority of his formative years in the scenic South Island. Embracing the natural beauty of his homeland, he immersed himself in tramping, embarking on numerous hikes, including both well-known and lesser-known trails. Among his most cherished memories is his unforgettable experience on the Routeburn Track in New Zealand.

Throughout his life, Aaron's adventurous spirit led him to reside in various countries, including New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Currently, he calls the United States home, where he continues to fuel his passion for travel and hiking by exploring diverse landscapes across the globe.

In his current residence of the USA, Aaron finds solace and excitement in tramping through the picturesque North Georgia Mountains. However, he also seeks the thrill of venturing off the beaten path, seeking out remote areas that offer unique challenges and rewards.

Beyond his personal pursuits, Aaron shares his love for hiking and exploration by leading trips for the AOC (Atlanta Outdoor Club) to various destinations, including New Zealand, Australia, and the USA. His dedication to fostering memorable experiences for others is evident in the captivating photos captured during the first AOC trip to New Zealand, showcasing the breathtaking beauty of the country.

Through his extensive hiking experiences, both at home and abroad, Aaron not only finds fulfillment but also embraces the diversity of landscapes, cultures, and communities he encounters along the way. - Thanks ChatGPT!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Aaron.

Trip Leader
Allen D

I've been hiking most of my life, and been blessed with many in-depth back-country experiences in New Hampshire's White Mountains, Alaska's Interior and California's coastal ranges and Sierras. I enjoy both trail running and the physical challenge of hiking, and peaceful ambling with others, talking or in silence. The Southeast woodlands and mountains feel familiar to my New England roots, and I'm loving exploring these hills, visiting waterfalls, old rail lines, changing habitats, mushrooms and grand tree stands. I've always loved sharing the wonder and bliss of Nature, a little bit of history, and connection to the land with others. I look forward to many more days of this connection on trips we share together.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Allen D.

Trip Leader

Allston was born in Atlanta, and moved to the west coast of Florida when she was seven years old.  As much as she loves being near the water, she missed the seasons and therefore chose to attend Clemson University, about an hour a half north of Atlanta in the foothills of the Appalachians.  During her years there she enjoyed visiting various spots in Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina for hiking and weekend trips, as well as returning home to FL and going to Charleston, to get an ocean “fix” from time to time.

In 1997 she moved back to Atlanta, and has been here ever since, though she has only come to appreciate all that Georgia has to offer in term of the outdoors in the past few years.  She joined the AOC in 2010 and has loved every minute of it, from hiking and kayaking to horseback riding, camping and caving. While she already has a wide variety of interests, she loves to try new activities and explore new locations whenever possible.

As a Trip Leader, Allston loves to organize kayaking trips in the warmer months, as well as some in-town hikes and occasional adventures like horseback riding and whitewater rafting.  She led one trip to Tanzania, Africa and would love to do some more international trips in the future.


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Allston.

Trip Leader
Anna Bullis

I'm a Georgia native and happiest when outside and exploring new places. My love for the outdoors began with family camping trips and joining the Girl Scouts. I'm thankful my husband and kids have the same enthusiasm for travel and the outdoors, and we have seen many beautiful places together. They don't enjoy the long hikes as much as I do, prompting me to join the AOC in 2018. I've enjoyed meeting so many fun people over the years through the club and am grateful for all the opportunities it provides. 

Event interests: Hiking, backpacking, car camping, mountain biking, white water rafting, scuba diving, kayaking, skiing (water or snow), snowboarding, wake surfing, traveling to explore new places.


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Anna Bullis.

Trip Leader

I grew up in Nigeria, where the climate is constantly tropical in the south and arid in the north. These conditions are ideal for spending time in the natural elements as opposed to being indoors. I fell off the outdoors wagon for a few years after moving to the U.S. because of my low tolerance to cold weather.

I'm fortunate to have discovered the AOC, which has reignited the nostalgia of my childhood.

I enjoy hiking, biking, camping, canoeing/kayaking, and whitewater rafting, and climbing. I hope to partake, at least once, in the varied events that the club volunteers have to offer.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Ayo.

Trip Leader
Beth Ash

I moved around a lot growing up and lived in New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Alabama (Roll Tide!), South Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia.  Oh yeah, I was born in Missouri but only lived there six months.  I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors and appreciate all of the different geographies that we have on this planet.  Hiking out in the woods, climbing trees, playing softball, jumping on a bike with some friends, playing around on a farm where I lived for a few years, camping at the beach with my family, or playing in the snow, I was always happier when I was active outdoors rather than sitting still. 

I moved to Georgia in 1995 and got sidetracked with work and sitting still on planes or at a desk.  Life, in general, got in the way.  In 2011, I discovered the Department of Natural Resources website and began to enjoy some of our state parks where I met someone who told me about the AOC. 

Since my first hike in 2012, I have enjoyed hiking, camping, and kayaking all over the country.  I have met some of the best people in the world and have a terrific group of friends because of the AOC.  I became a trip leader with the hopes of adding my flavor to the mix of events and giving back some of what I’ve gotten.  One of the personal goals that I have is to be more proactive in my life versus reactive.  One step at a time, one stroke at a time, one marshmallow at a time…

My motto to live by:  Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, “Woohoo, what a ride!”

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Beth Ash.

Trip Leader
Bill S

Bill grew up in the South and has spent the last thirty years in the Atlanta area.  His main interests are hiking, biking and anything outdoors.  He has been hiking North Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina for the last twenty years.  Bill Joined the AOC about three years ago and has appreciated the opportunity to try
new hikes and outdoor locations.  His most interesting hiking location is in the rain forest of Tobego.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Bill S.

Trip Leader
Bill Wey

When I first started hiking long time ago, I always look for unusual sceneries, beautiful mountains, waterfalls, landmarks, special trees, flowers, plants, birds, critters along the way to enhance my pleasure and fulfillments. Nowadays all of these attractive features still mean a lot to me, but they are just bonuses. They are not required anymore to make my trip worthy and joyful. I feel like staying in the mountains and on the trails as long as I can. Nature seems to have more answers than I ever know how to ask the questions. I simply feel happy and refreshed when I’m out there in the nature.

Originally from Taiwan, I came to America in 1979 on a venture to go to graduate school with everything I had packed into two suitcases. I worked and going to school at the same time to finish my graduate degrees.

Since reaching my early retirement goal in 2012, I started to spend more and more time outdoors. I feel so lucky living in the Metro Atlanta area with abundant natural landscapes in and around the city. I can also go to numerous mountains easily within two hours of driving.

Joining A.O.C. gives me the opportunity to meet many new friends with similar interests. Becoming a Trip Leader allows me to create events I enjoy the most, and really hope you do too so you can join me. Look forward to seeing you soon!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Bill Wey.

Trip Leader
Bob Bunner

Event Interests: Backpacking, Hiking, Pioneer Camping, Sea Kayaking, Multi-day Adventures

Bob grew up in Seattle and has been an outdoor enthusiast all of his life. He has backpacked since he was 10 and his favorite sites in the Southeast tend to be up in the Smokies. He has also backpacked extensively out West – including his native Washington, Oregon, Northern California, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone and the Canadian Rockies. There are many places out West that remain on his “to do” list. Perhaps, he’ll lead us on a trip out there one day.

Since joining AOC in 2005, Bob has enjoyed the variety of events that have been led by various members of the club. According to Bob, “AOC provides the social network to enjoy the outdoors with people who have similar interests.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Bob Bunner.

Trip Leader
Carl J

My time outside growing up wasn’t all that extensive - mostly spending summers at the YMCA pool and the occasional summer camp.  But over time I began spending more and more time outdoors, and truly fell in love with the outdoors in my twenties on a long vacation to the Pacific Northwest, where I backpacked for the first time and got my first good look at a star-filled sky and the Milky Way. Since then I’ve spent as much time outdoors as possible – mostly hiking, bicycling, and camping, with some time sailing and canoeing thrown in for good measure. As a trip leader, I appreciate the opportunity to spend outdoor time with the wonderful people in the AOC, and I look forward to leading hikes around the metro Atlanta area and around Georgia.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Carl J.

Trip Leader
Chris L

Event Interest: Hiking, Backpacking, Kayaking, Camping

Chris has lived in the Atlanta area since she was 7. She joined the AOC in February of 2008, after realizing that she had been away from her love of the outdoors for too long. Chris enjoys long fast paced hikes with steady elevation gain. Her favorite trail is the Alum's Cave trail on Mt. Le Conte with beautiful view of the Smoky Mountains.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Chris L.

Trip Leader
Colin S

Grew up an Army brat. Lived in Germany for several years in the late 70s. Went on many 10km (and some 20km) Volksmarches with my dad and found that I really liked being outdoors and hiking. Also while growing up, rode bikes everywhere. Well, until I got my driver's license. The bike got put away then sold.

Fast forward to the late 90s. Brought a mountain bike and started riding. A lot. Also, started going hiking in the North Georgia mountains instead of just driving through the mountain. Got involved with the regional mountain biking group and progressively got more into riding. I ride most weekends that I can. And some weekdays, too. I still hike, mostly when the weather isn't really good for riding or it's a group hike with the AOC.

I was first introduced to the AOC when I was the team leader for a trail work party in 2008. Most of my crew where AOC folks. During our trail work, they told me all about AOC and that I should join. I went on my first hike with the AOC in early 2009 and have enjoyed it ever since.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Colin S.

Trip Leader

Dan is from Los Angeles and from an early age was out camping, digging clams, sailing and collecting insects everywhere from Oregon to Mexico to Texas with his nature-loving Dad.  Backpacking in the San Bernardino and Angeles National Forests was usually a monthly event, with lengthier outings in the Sierra Nevadas almost every summer.  He loves the mountains and has participated in treks in Canada, France, Spain, Nepal, Peru, and Taiwan.  Since retiring from military and government service he focuses on fitness and outdoor activities and is always up for more bike touring in Europe, sailing anywhere, and pretty much anything else outdoors!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by DanR.

Trip Leader
David W.

I am originally from Maryland. Grew up just outside Washington DC. I moved Atlanta in 1993. I had always been active as a kid playing football, basketball, running cross country, track, performing in theater and even rugby in college.

I woke up in my 40s and realized I was totally sedentary. So I started hiking. I discovered AOC in 2013. I’ve met many wonderful like-minded people,(folks that enjoy being outdoors), in the AOC. I have traveled  to Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, Slovenia, Canada and most recently to the Tetons with AOC.

I was inspired to become a trip leader so that I could create hikes near my house at my convenience and eventually start doing some international trips.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by David W..

Trip Leader

David's interest in the outdoors started early in life, living in a rural area near acres of woods, a pond, and creek that ran down to the Ohio River. My first hikes. After graduating with a MS in Mathematics; my working career was spent in software design, coding, and support. Luckily a friend introduced me to the AOC in 2017, and have enjoyed many wonderful events with our club. My primary focus is on hiking events with D2-D5 rating.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by DavidV.

Trip Leader
Deb R

I am originally from New Orleans where I grew up with Mardi Gras (Neutral Ground Side), beignets, crawfish and snoballs. I was shocked at age ten to realize that the rest of the country didn’t have Mardi Gras! At eleven I saw the Beatles live in concert. And I really miss Sundays in the French Quarter. I go home at least once a year – usually for Jazz Fest – and every time I do, I wonder why I ever left.

I used to be a tennis player and a runner, but somehow I got sidetracked with work, family and a divorce. So in 2013 I joined the AOC as a way to get back and shape and meet new people. I now have the craziest group of friends a NOLA girl could have away from home!

I became a trip leader so I could schedule hikes after rush hour for those of us who can’t hike during the day. And I plan to schedule weekend hikes in the mountains at a slower pace for those who don’t want to or can’t hike the mountains at a fast pace. Oh yea, I just bought a kayak, so I guess I’ll be doing that too. Whatever event you sign up to do with me, I guarantee you’ll have fun!

Lastly, I leave you with my favorite quote about people from NOLA:

 "We dance when there is no music. We drink at funerals. We talk too much, and live too large and, frankly, we're suspicious of those who don't."   Chris Rose

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Deb R.

Potential Trip Leader

Coming soon!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Deema.

Trip Leader
I was born and raised on Long Island, NY and moved to the Atlanta area in 2010.  Before moving to Atlanta I ran a very successful canoe and kayak business with my father in Riverhead, NY.  Interests: Hiking, gardening, kayaking, cooking
In July of 2014 I met an AOC Trip leader on the Alpharetta Greenway.  I had only hiked a handful of times in my life but she felt that I had hiking in me.  I tried it, I liked it and within days of joining I hiked Cherokee Trail, Vickery Creek and Island Ford with the AOC and  I was hooked. I live in Roswell, within a few miles of most of the CRNRA parks, so those will be my go-to hikes but I also like to explore and on weekends you will often see me posting an "out of town" hike.  Most of my hikes will be moderate D2 level although occasionally I will post D3 hikes.  

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Diana.

Potential Trip Leader
Dolores H

Bio coming soon

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Dolores H.

Trip Leader
Doug N

I am one of those rare people in the Atlanta area that is actually from Atlanta. I was born and raised in Cobb county. I feel fortunate to have grown up here and don't have any plans of ever moving too far away.

Most of my adult life I was not a very physically active person. Honestly, raising three kids was just a convenient excuse to be lazy and unhealthy. I came to some realizations as I was approaching 50 and decided to change all of that. With the last kid gone off to college I pretty much turned my life around and am now very active and can only wish that I had started sooner. As part of my transformation I stumbled across AOC in 2020 and eventually became hooked. AOC has become a part of my fitness routine ever since. I try to hike once a week as my schedule permits.

I have met many great and inspiring people in the club and want to be able to share the experience with others. I decided that becoming a trip leader was the best way for me to give something back to the club.

In addition to hiking, I also enjoy running, strength training, and kayaking. Outside of the fitness realm I also enjoy woodworking and making things.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Doug N.

Trip Leader
Drew W

I am one of the few native Atlantans still living here.  I grew up in the 50's on the east side of town between Decatur and Stone Mountain in a tiny town named Avondale Estates. It was our version of Mayberry and we spent as much time outdoors as possible. I spent a career in software development before retiring in 2018. I read a couple of books on aging successfully and they said it is important to keep exercising and to create new social relationships.  I found the AOC in the spring of 2021, joined up and have never regretted it. I am now in much better condition and have met many new friends. Becoming a Trip Leader is my way of paying back the club for all it has done for me.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Drew W.

Potential Trip Leader

Coming soon

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Ed.

Trip Leader
Eric P

Eric was born in California, but has lived in Georgia most of his life having moved when he was a small child. His family always took him outside for adventures on trails and he grew to love the experiences. Today he can be found doing things ranging from running through wooded mountain trails barefoot to short easy casual strolls through local parks.

Eric basically enjoys any activity that allows him to wander around outside. This includes hiking, backpacking, trail running, and disc golfing. Additionally he has been leading hikes with friends throughout the southeast for over 15 years and looks forward to many new adventures with the AOC.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Eric P.

Trip Leader
Erica B

My name is Erica. I was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN and relocated 20 years ago to Sandy Springs,  Georgia. About a year ago I relocated to Marietta. Georgia is a wonderful place as I am a life-long outdoor enthusiast and adventurer. I love, hiking, paddling, caving, biking, rock hounding, and rock scrambling as being in nature is a great way to get fit, make friends, enjoy nature’s beauty and wildlife as well as creating more energy.  

With this in mind, I look forward to leading outdoor adventures with the AOC and look forward to meeting more outdoor adventures!


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Erica B.

Trip Leader

Eva grew up in Mexico City surrounded by three tall volcanoes. She felt blessed whenever she could see them, for it meant that pollution was diminishing. After she left, in 1993, the Popocatepetl volcano started to erupt; for decades, the “Po Po” had been lying dormant.

Eva arrived in Atlanta 17 years ago with her daughter Cristina. After completing her time as a committed soccer mom, she joined the AOC in March 2010with great enthusiasm. Eva considers herself a steady hiker, loves the ascent more than the descent, and enjoys the tranquility of the woods. For this reason, she decided to lead some “silent hikes”, especially in places where there is water or birds.  


For more than a year, she has lead the almost weekly TGIF hike at Jones Bridge Park, and has made of this hike a fun workout to wind down the week. She is a certified translator and loves to chat in Spanish and French with her fellow hikers.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Eva.

Trip Leader
Gary Hubert

Gary grew up in Buffalo, NY where he enjoyed camping, skiing, and spending time at the lake.  He moved to Georgia in 2005 to escape the long, snowy Buffalo winters..  Gary joined the AOC in February 2007 and has enjoyed spending time outdoors with a great group of people.  His favorite outdoor activities include hiking, camping, and backpacking. 

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Gary Hubert.

Trip Leader

I grew up in Miami, Florida. My parents did not encourage or engage in outdoor activities. The word “hike” was not in our family’s vocabulary. My only “hike” was the half-mile walk home from my school bus stop and I complained about it bitterly. 

   I retired from my job as a federal magistrate judge at age 65 and was looking for things to improve my health and occupy my time. I found the AOC online and signed up for a D4 trail run at Vickery Creek as my first activity. I had no idea what a trail run was and was totally unqualified for it.  Luckily, the trip leader, Trena, waited for me at each intersection and encouraged me to finish, which I did. 

  My second activity was a moderate D2 at Leita Thompson which I struggled to complete.  But I was hooked, and seven years later I have completed over 600 hikes and I am in much better shape than when I started. 

  I have learned to appreciate the beauty of nature and how fortunate we are in Atlanta to have access to so many beautiful hiking trails. 

  It is a privilege and honor to be a trip leader and I hope to encourage other people in the same way that I have been encouraged by AOC trip leaders. 

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Gerrilyn.

Trip Leader
Born in Dublin Georgia. Childhood years were spent in Houma, Louisiana.  Have always loved doing things outside.  Played every sport that high school offered. I've always been willing to try new things.
Moved to Atlanta in 1988.  Loved water sports, Beach sports, And anything that included sunshine.  
Joined AOC in 2012. Soon after, went on my first backpacking trip to Yosemite national Park. Backpacking has become one of my favorite activities. It seems to be the best way to enjoy nature without many crowds.
Moved to California in 2013. Got to experience a lot of what the west has to offer from hiking, backpacking the coast to the Sierras.
Returned to Atlanta in 2015. Looking forward to many more backpacking, hiking, and water sport adventures with the AOC.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by greg.

Trip Leader
Holt Ward

A native of Roanoke, VA, I spent my career in audit and compliance (yes a numbers nerd).  After spending most of my life in Virginia (with a 5 year stint in North Carolina), I arrived in Atlanta in 2012.  One of the first things I noticed upon arriving here was the abundance of great outdoor opportunities in and around Metro Atlanta. I love, backpacking, camping and kayaking but my true passion is hiking.    

I have been hiking since my youth but really started getting more serious about it about 6 years ago when I attended a hiker conference.  I  knew absolutely no one there but had a blast hiking with complete strangers (sound familiar).  After the conference I decided to make a goal of completing the entire Appalachian Trail as a section hiker. To date, I have completed about 1200 miles against that goal.      

I joined the AOC in 2016 on the recommendation of an acquaintance shortly after retiring.  My very first hike was one of Trena and Joyce’s Monday morning hikes and I was hooked on the AOC. I plan on leading mostly D2-D3 hikes at a moderate pace typically within 50 miles of Atlanta.  Although I will be leading hikes on various days of  the week, I will especially be targeting hikes for weekday mornings.  

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Holt Ward.

Trip Leader

Where to begin? Well, first of all I am here to help others help themselves…just like the AOC did for me as I rehabbed from a car vs bicycle accident that left me with 5 fused vertebrae and a host of other bodily damage. My “more energy than sense” approach to recovery is, in my eyes, the only reason I’m still alive…let alone able to become a Trip Leader with the AOC. So, I am here to continue what I started and share that energy and positive attitude with other like-minded individuals that share the love for the outdoors. As a former competitive cyclist in the SE you may see a couple of bike rides on my events (although you’ll probably never see me race again or even ride on a roadway), but mainly hiking/walking on a trail, paddling a waterway or whatever else comes to mind; I just want to be outside giving thanks to the world around me.

   So, if you see my name associated with an event you can bet that it’s going to be a good time. My events might not be easy or comfortable all the time, but you can bet money that you’ll leave feeling better about yourself. If you don’t push you’ll never know how far you can truly go…

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Horhay.

Trip Leader
Hugh Baker

As an undergraduate student at the University of Georgia I was a part time student campus bus driver. A fellow student bus driver suggested that we spend a summer in Yellowstone Park as bus driver / tour guides. Two friends and I made the cross country drive to Yellowstone and it was so much fun that I went back for several seasons. I also spent one summer as a “Jammer” (gear jammer) bus driver in Glacier National Park.  

I was never interested in outdoor recreation, other than sports, until I worked that first summer in Yellowstone. I’ve been a regular hiker ever since. I learned of the AOC on a Georgia Appalachian Trail Club hike. A fellow hiker suggested joining the AOC because “they have activities every day!”. I joined the AOC and I’ve had some great experiences and made some great friends on AOC hikes and on the international trips.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Hugh Baker.

Trip Leader
Jan T

I moved to Atlanta in 1996 from Connecticut. Professionally, I previously worked for publishing companies, and currently work with vacation beach rentals. In my free time, fitness was always a big part of my life; either running, hiking, teaching aerobics, or working out at the gym. While living in Connecticut, I enjoyed the outdoors which included running in the warmer months, and skiing in the winter months. When I moved to Atlanta, I discovered hiking, a physical activity that was full of adventure; and it was possible to engage in year round.
The AOC introduced hiking in a whole new way with both fitness and fun – while making new friends that shared my interest! Now I want to give back the experience of hiking to others - so come join my hikesI
My Motto: Life is what you make it, so buy the beach house!
Goal: Hike the Appalachian trial in Georgia, who wants to join me?

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Jan T.

Trip Leader

Jasmine joined in 2005 after getting introduced by a friend, but was not actively involved until 2011 when she was looking to get back into hiking in more remotes areas.  She loves most outdoor activities and hiking with her 4 legged companion, Brody.    

One of Jasmine’s most memorable scenic moments was her visit to Pongong Lake in the Himalayas, and riding an elephant in search for a tiger.  She loves traveling, the National Geographic Channel, and most anything animal related.

Jasmine enjoys early morning in town hikes, the North Ga Mountains, and events where doggy companions can join in the fun.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Jasmine.

Trip Leader

Jeff joined the AOC in 2010 after being abandoned in the wilderness by a trip leader on another group's event. He decided a little structure and vetted trip leaders are a good thing.

Jeff took up hiking the year earlier as a way to stay fit that wasn't "exercise." After examining all of his skills, he realized that walking was his best core competency. He also has started biking again after a 25-year hiatus, has enjoyed kayaking a handful of times, and backpacks/camps only infrequently (preferring a hot shower and comfortable bed at night). He suspects that running is the work of the devil.

Jeff occasionally is directionally challenged, which makes all of his events an adventure!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Jeff.

Trip Leader
Jerry K

Event Interests: Biking (road and mountain), Camping, Caving, Hiking, Kayaking, and open to try most things outdoors

Jerry joined the AOC in 2011 due to the recommendation of a few friends. He quickly found the AOC was a great supplement to his group of friends he had actively been hiking, camping, and paddling with for many years in Georgia, and is now looking to return the experience by contributing his part in leading events.

Jerry grew up in Southern California in a family that took every opportunity they had to camp. Often weekend trips in the desert with dirt bikes, and longer trips in the Redwoods, Sierras, and up and down the West Coast, which he continued to pursue until moving to GA. He relocated to GA in 2001 with his wife and daughter, and was fortunate enough to make good friends with outdoor enthusiasts who introduced him to paddling which quickly became a favorite.  Jerry enjoys good company and most outdoor sports.  Jerry lives with his wife, daughter, and son n law, all who do not appreciate the outdoors as much as he does, so he feels especially blessed to be surrounded by so many opportunities that are so close and great people to share them with. 

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Jerry K.

Trip Leader
Jim W
I've been in the Atlanta area since 1979 when my family moved to Dunwoody. Soon after moving here I became involved with scouts and went all the way through the program. It was the outdoor activities that really drew me to the program. I tend to enjoy pursuits where my endurance is tested. I do like to stop and smell the roses, but I'll usually be quick to get there.
Most weekends you can find me doing some sort of outdoor venture, some of my favorites being running, hiking, biking, climbing, skating, and golfing. Exploring and finding new interests is always on the radar.
My goal is for the activities that I post to be fun and challenging.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Jim W.

Trip Leader
Joseph Wang

Joseph is a native Georgian.  He grew up in Fayetteville, Georgia and moved to Atlanta in 2009. He enjoys many outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, backpacking, biking, and running. He was an outdoor backpacking director and camp counselor at a camp in Asheville, NC for 2 summers. Joseph joined the AOC in 2019 seeking like-minded outdoor enthusiasts. 

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Joseph Wang.

Trip Leader

I have always loved being outside whether it was building a snow fort as a kid or cheering on the Buffalo Bills in negative wind chill temperatures during the 90’s.   I needed more sunshine so I moved to Atlanta in 1997.   

I didn’t have any local hiking friends so I joined the AOC and made new ones! I was surprised to discover so many new places that I didn’t know about.  When I’m not hiking I love anything involving water- scuba diving, snorkeling, kayaking, and whitewater rafting.  As a trip leader I plan on leading some local hikes and fun adventures.   

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Karen.

Trip Leader

I spent my childhood in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Growing up in a tropical country, I was blessed with an abundance of lush evergreen, dense forest, and wildlife in my backyard. However, trekking the rainforest was never on my radar, perhaps due to the dangerous local wildlife. Nonetheless, the great outdoors was my favorite pastime. My family enjoyed visiting parks, hot springs, mountain retreats, and my grandparents at a village on stilts by the ocean. I was active in high school; I participated in Outward Bound boot camp, played various sports, and competed at the regional high school level. From there, I moved to the USA to pursue a Master's Degree.

After graduating from The University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1994, I moved to Atlanta to start a new career and have lived here ever since. I enjoy hiking, cycling, kayaking, climbing, and exploring new places and cultures locally and abroad. I am excited to give back as a member; my primary focus is leading moderate events and adventures.


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Kian.

Trip Leader

Event interests: Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Traveling, and Photography.

Although he grew up in
Bombay, India, where he discovered his love for hiking in the neighboring western Indian Ghats (mountains), Kiran considers himself a native of Atlanta, and has been a member of AOC since 2007. A confirmed nature lover, Kiran often finds himself hiking, backpacking, or camping in the great outdoors of the world: The Himalaya, Germany, Japan, Peru, France, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and of course, the Appalachians.   

Kiran’s indoor life includes raising three sons, teaching theatre, and getting those darn squirrels out of the attic. And there is still much left to experience: visit all seven continents, hike the many mountain ranges of the world, sa
mple all edible foods known to man, and yes, lay a prayer flag at the foot of Sagarmath (Mt. Everest). Kiran remains optimistic that the adventurous members of AOC will join him on these journeys.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Kiran.

Trip Leader
I was born in a coastal town in Vietnam. When I was little, my family migrated to the United States, where I spent my childhood playing along the coast of Alabama and Mississippi. I was such a beach lover that I never even thought about going into the woods (unless you count bamboo forests).
I discovered hiking as a young adult after I moved to land-locked Atlanta. A coworker had introduced me to hiking in the North Georgia mountains, which brought me a different enjoyment of the outdoors than I had known before.
In October 2016, I joined the AOC after hearing about it from some other hikers. Several months later, I was asked about becoming a Trip Leader. I wanted to be a TL because I enjoy hiking regularly, but living in Decatur, there weren’t many hikes posted on the East Side. I like to challenge myself and to explore Georgia and will hike just about anywhere, but as a TL,  my plan is to provide hikes of moderate difficulty and pace on Atlanta's East Side.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Kym.

Trip Leader
Larry Cooper

Larry started hiking in the fall of 2008 for his health, which was in dire need improvement. He found the AOC in February 2009 and quickly became an active member on many events. His other outdoor interests are sailing and hang gliding which he experienced this year courtesy of the AOC. He enjoys long challenging hikes at a moderate pace. He regularly helps maintain the Appalachian Trail and adjacent trails in Georgia so that we all can enjoy good hiking.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Larry Cooper.

Trip Leader
Laurie M
I am an Atlanta native who loves being outside in nature. My favorite outdoor activities are hiking and backpacking, and I also love being near the water. 
I backpacked the entire Appalachian Trail in sections over a five (non-consecutive) year period from 2017-2023. 
When I am not outside, I enjoy reading, quilting, watching musicals, playing board games, meditating, and playing with dogs. 

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Laurie M.

Trip Leader
Leigh B

Leigh is originally from Manchester in the northern part of England. She has lived in the U.S. since 1990. Leigh’s passion for hiking began in High School when the urban raised children were taken on a week-long trip every year to the beautiful Lake District in England to walk the crags, fells, tarns and lakes.

Leigh has one Son who was in scouting from a young age through to Eagle Scout and her passion was re-kindled as a single Mom attending outdoor camping and hiking events with the troop.

Being blessed with giving up a stressful career in 2015, Leigh has gradually increased her activity with the club. Hiking is her passion and her serenity. Leigh feels blessed to have met fellow hikers from all walks of life and loves the diversity in the club.

When Leigh is not hiking, she enjoys time at home with her husband Ross and her pedigree cats, Persian Alfie and British Longhair Monty. Leigh leads a healthy lifestyle and enjoys cooking and entertaining.

Leigh has two Step-Children and loves to travel. She is proud of her British sense of humor and loves to laugh.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Leigh B.

Trip Leader
Libby G

Born and raised in Memphis, TN.  Lived in various cities up and down the east coast.  Been in Atlanta since 1996 and love Hot-lanta.  An avid golfer, hiker, and reader of murder mysteries.  Favorite authors are Vince Flynn and Lee Child.  My parents are my best friends and I am so blessed to have them.  Attend Buckhead Community Church and really enjoy Andy Stanley’s messages.  Thank you AOC for the exercise and the wonderful friendships.


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Libby G.

Trip Leader
I've lived in Alpharetta for 30 years having moved from Ohio with my company. I am now retired and enjoy hiking and backpacking.  I also make pottery and enjoy taking poetry and philosophy classes at Kennesaw State.  
I started out loving the outdoors in Boy Scouts.  In my 20s I hiked trails in several of the National Parks out west. In the last 15 years, I've done a lot of hiking and backpacking in the southern Appalachia Mountains and recently did some extended backpacking in the Rockies and Sierra Nevada Mountains. 
I joined AOC in August of 2016. Most of my group hikes before were with various hiking groups on Meetup. I stumbled upon AOC by accident when I Googled, hiking, Atlanta and forgot Meetup. AOC popped up and I sure am glad. 95% plus of my hikes have been with AOC since then.  I go at a moderate pace whether backpacking or hiking.  I will be leading mostly D3, D4 and D5 hikes and backpacking.  Those are the event levels I do when I am not leading.  I anticipate leading some traveling hikes perhaps to the Rocky Mountains and even outside the country. I look forward to many outdoor adventures with our exceptionally active AOC that is well organized and has super members of all ages and experience levels  

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by LindseyW.

Trip Leader
Lisa L

I was born and raised in New York (Long Island) and have been in Atlanta since 1988.  I work full-time in marketing so most of my hikes will be on the weekends or in the evenings.

I joined the AOC in 2021 because I wanted to have an outdoor activity during Covid.  I thought the hikes were so much fun and I loved all the people I was meeting.  

With encouragement from other trip leaders, I decided to become a trip leader so that I could lead D1 hikes in my neighborhood park, Simpsonwood.  I hope to add other locations to my repertoire but plan to mostly stick with D1s.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Lisa L.

Trip Leader
Lisbelle C

I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. My husband of 44 years and I moved to the United States in 1979. We have been in Atlanta since 1985. Atlanta is now our home, our roots are here. We have three "boys", (now young men), ages 41, 39, and 35. We are blessed by having them all live in Atlanta as well. Two of them live less than a mile from us, with all 6 of our grand kids and the youngest one that doesn't have children (yet) lives in Brookhaven , which is about 20 miles from us.

I did my BA in mathematics education at the University of Puerto Rico and my master at Georgia State University. I'm retired now. My free time is spent taking care of myself by lifting weights and enjoying the outdoor through biking, hiking, kayaking, and skiing. I also enjoy playing the guitar during Christmas time and singing with my husband. I'm also a volunteer driver for the Ignatian Spirituality Project.

Having found the Atlanta Outdoors Club has been an answer to my prayers. It is such a pleasure meeting so many wonderful people of all ages that enjoy the outdoors and want to volunteer their time to share it with others.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Lisbelle C.

Trip Leader

Bio coming!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Mahsheed.

Trip Leader

Growing up in Germany, spending your free time outside is a given. I spent many weekends hiking or bike riding with my family - or just enjoying a quiet afternoon in the garden. Since I moved to the US, I lived in Missouri, Louisiana, and Texas, and moved to Georgia in 2000. Having to spend my weekdays inside, I try to spend as much time outside as I can. I have been actively hiking with the AOC since Spring of 2012 and enjoy meeting other fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Marion.

Trip Leader

You know, whenever a bunch of hikers get together, stories start flowing like a mountain stream. And boy, do I have some tales to share! You can find a treasure trove of my outdoor adventures over at From encounters with snakes, bears, and wild pigs to the eerie experiences of night hikes, my blog is chock-full of stories and photos that'll make you feel like you're right there with me.

My outdoor journey has mostly been a solo one, which might explain why I've had so many close encounters with wildlife. I still remember the first time I mustered up the courage to camp alone in the Blood Mountain Wilderness at the ripe old age of 19. Let's just say I kept a pretty hefty campfire burning to ward off any critters lurking in the shadows. But hey, it was all part of the adventure!

Since then, I've ventured far and wide, exploring every nook and cranny of places like the Smokies, Yosemite National Park, and even tackled the epic Pacific Crest Trail. And now, I couldn't be more stoked to share these adventures with fellow outdoor enthusiasts like yourself.

When I'm not out tramping through the wilderness, you'll find me kicking back with my wife in Roswell, enjoying some well-deserved downtime and soaking up the joys of grandparenthood. And hey, we're always up for a beach trip or two!

I can't wait to hit the trails with each and every one of you. Let's make some unforgettable memories together in the great outdoors!


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Mark.

Trip Leader

Mark grew up in central Illinois where as a boy he spent nearly all of his free time outdoors. As a boy, he would routinely trek off into the woods with his trusty Irish setter, not to be seen until dinner time. Mark spent his high school years in Brazil, where he traveled extensively and learned some entirely new outdoor skills while camping, fishing, and exploring on trips to the Amazon and remote regions of the Pantanal.

After moving to Georgia in 1988, Mark fell in love with the nearby Mountains of N Georgia and North Carolina where he has taken countless trips for camping, whitewater canoeing, hiking, and fishing. When living in Augusta, he also loved to travel to the nearby coastal areas, from Charleston to Savannah, and spent many weekends kayaking the marshlands, hiking the coastal nature areas, camping, and fishing offshore and the inland flats. As an AOC Trip Leader, Mark enjoys being able to offer the club outdoor events and adventures - especially to places less traveled and off the beaten track.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Mark.

Trip Leader
Mark P

Originally from South Georgia, Mark moved to Atlanta in 1997 after graduating from The University of Georgia.  

Mark has had a love of the outdoors since he was a child and his family camping trips.  Mark loves a grand adventure and enjoys hiking, backpacking, mountaineering, whitewater paddling among other things.  He has visited National Parks all over the country including Evergaldes, Death Valley, Yosemite, Mt. Rainier and Acadia.

Mark has been a member of the AOC since 2012 and is looking forward to many new adventures!


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Mark P.

Trip Leader
Memphis Russ

Russ grew up in Memphis, three miles from Elvis’s Graceland home.  He came to love & explore the outdoors while hunting and fishing with his uncles, usually in Mississippi.  His love of adventure (and the Vietnam draft lottery) led him to join the USAF as a Communications Technical Controller.  He spent 2 ½ years in Japan, where he scouted many Japanese parks, shrines and Mt. Fuji.   Russ continued his education at the University of Tennessee.  Later, during his 32 years in management at AT&T, he moved to Atlanta in 1979.  He continued to explore the outdoors through skiing many western slopes, running 26 Peachtree Road Races, navigating various riverwalks and, of course, hiking trails.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Memphis Russ.

Trip Leader
Michael Johnson
Growing up in the Chicago suburbs, and spending the summers in Western Michigan, Michael grew up loving the outdoors. After living in a small cabin high in the Rocky Mountains with no running water for a year just after high school, he relocated to Marquette, Michigan on the shores of Lake Superior. There he enjoyed backpacking, cross country skiing and swimming. After graduating from NMU and moving to Atlanta, Michael continued backpacking all over the southeast, and occasionally out west. He also loves skiing out west in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, California and British Columbia. Michael joined the AOC to meet more people with similar passions for the outdoors.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Michael Johnson.

Trip Leader
Mike Pawloski

Growing up in southeastern Wisconsin fishing, hiking, and hunting, Mike grew up loving the outdoors.  After completing undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI, he moved to Chicago, IL.  Summers were spent back-and-forth with frequent trips up to WI enjoying the many lakes and outdoor activities available.  In July 1999 Mike moved down to Atlanta, GA which has been home ever since.  Prior to finding the AOC in March 2011, he explored the southeast on frequent solo hiking and kayaking trips.  Mike enjoys meeting people with similar passions for adventure and the outdoors.  Leave no trace. 

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Mike Pawloski.

Trip Leader
Mike S

I’m originally from rural up state Pennsylvania, so attraction to the north Georgia and North Carolina mountains comes naturally.   Being outside participating in athletics, hiking, camping, and biking is how I spent my youth.  Then came a hiatus to raise a family.  This mostly meant taking children to events with occasional car camping sprinkled in.  When I relocated to Atlanta, in 1999, I returned to my love of outdoors, backpacking several times a year.  I have backpacked most of the Georgia AT and southern sections of North Carolina.  Since discovering the AOC, I have rekindled my love for outdoor adventures of all kinds, day hikes, backpacking, fitness hiking, canoeing, kayaking, and biking.  I’ve enjoyed participating in AOC events and meeting likeminded people so much, I hope to be able to give back by introducing others to the AOC as a Trip Leader.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Mike S.

Trip Leader
Myra Kincaid
Myra grew up in North Georgia, a life-long nature lover, who, as a child fantasized about running away to the forest and living like an indian.  She developed an obsession with backpacking in her mid-twenties, when she read an online blog about a man who had backpacked across Iceland. She has spent the past several years gaining experience and honing her skills in order to attempt her own Iceland traverse adventure. Myra's backpacking experience includes section-hiking ~800 miles of the Appalachian trail, thru-hiking the 485-mile Colorado trail, the 100-mile West Highland Way in Scotland, and hiking approximately 200 miles of trail in Iceland. She has completed basic training in wilderness survival, orienteering, and wilderness medicine. Myra will attempt to complete a 500+ mile Iceland traverse in Summer 2014.  

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Myra Kincaid.

Trip Leader
Oscar Tarragó grew up in Mexico City, exploring the urban environment and appreciating the historical buildings. As a teenager he became a boy scout, which allowed him to learn about the outdoors and skills for camping and hiking. During his high school years he was an exchange student in GA, providing him with greater exposure to the outdoors.

He lived in Southern Africa for over 4 years and has camped in many locations, including the Serengeti in Tanzania, and has done a 67 mi. bicycle ride (with a mountain bike) in Cape Town, which is said to be the most beautiful ride in the world.

He arrived in Atlanta 12 yrs. ago, where he has enjoyed hiking in the Chattahoochee NRA and Stone Mountain with his children. He also enjoys hiking in northern GA, especially Amicalola Falls and Tulullah Gorge.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Oscar.

Trip Leader
Pam M

I stumbled into hiking when my elder brother visiting from Arizona took my kids (who were 7 & 5 at the time) and I went to Kennesaw Battlefield Park. We lost track of time exploring the different trails going over big & little Kennesaw. That singular experience(the exhaustion & excitement) sparked my interest in hiking. That interest has not waned! First year hiking I was favored to complete 28 miles of Clingman's Dome from rim to rim in 12 hours. Most recent extreme (26 mile) hike was completing GA Loop (Woody Gap to Little Skeenah Creek)October of last year. Being an adrenaline junkie, I have been blessed to experience hikes in Georgia, Tennessee & South Carolina. Hiking has taught me perseverance in the literal sense of the word. That experience transcends into other facets of my life. Adventures are next on the list.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Pam M.

Trip Leader

Rafique is a native of Karachi, Pakistan; a city of 18 million people and a densely populated concrete jungle where noise pollution is a 24/7 phenomena. He has made Atlanta his permanent home and he can't be more thankful as he has finally found the peace and tranquility that he craved, in the mountains of North Georgia. In addition to burning calories, a day hike lets Rafique enjoy the silence of the woods. However, he does not mind the musical sounds of  the streams or cascades; also  chirping of the birds is one sound he can never get enough of. He joined AOC in 2008, since then he has become an avid hiker.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Rafiq.

Trip Leader
Ralph Howard

Event Interests: Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, and Kayaking/canoeing

Ralph is a native of Michigan, where he enjoyed camping, canoeing, and hiking as a youth.  He lived in Austin, Texas for 17 years before moving to Georgia in 1996.  After sending his youngest child off to college he re-discovered his love for the outdoors, joining the AOC in November 2007.  Since then he's been on the trail almost every weekend, usually joined by his wife Ann who he met on the trail.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Ralph Howard.

Trip Leader
Ray Stewart

I grew up in Sweetwater Texas. I have been active all my life, spending as much time as possible outside. As a teenager, I backpacked Guadalupe Mountain and Big Bend.  After high school, I worked in the oil fields and roofed houses. I then turned my hobby of small engine repair into my career.   

Just after the Blizzard of ‘93, I decided to move to Georgia to help my sister. 

I used my love of small engines to get into racing go carts. Later, I got married and my wife and I started a small business making outdoor furniture.  I still have my shop, although I no longer build furniture for sale. Continuing my love of the outdoors, I maintained the church grounds of my former church for about 20 yrs.  

While backpacking part of the Appalachian Trail I decided I wanted to hike and be active with other people who enjoyed the same.  I heard about Atlanta Outdoor Club in 2018. My first hike was 18 miles in Vogel State Park. I went a few more miles but got lost. 

As a trip leader my plans are mostly leading bike rides.    


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Ray Stewart.

Trip Leader
Richard A. Zalik

Event Interests: Hiking, Backpacking, Trekking, Mountain Climbing, Sailing, and Outdoor Photography.

I starting loving the outdoors as soon as I joined the Boy Scouts. Later I became an avid sailor. I also did a bit of climbing and reached a few minor summits, and a few years ago I took a course with Whittaker Mountaineering. In 2005 I decided to share all the beautiful things I had seen, so I joined AOC and became a Trip Leader. Since then, I have lead hundreds of events for the club. I think I was the first Trip Leader to organize an event outside the US; that was the Inca Trail in Peru in 2008. It proved so popular that I did this trip a total of 13 times with the club. I also organized several trips to Patagonia, among them a hike from the Andes to the Pacific, and a few events in Switzerland, including crossing the Alps to Italy a couple of times. In 2017 we also walked the 95 miles of the West Highland Way in Scotland, and in 2018 we crossed England from coast to coast along Hadrian’s Wall.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Richard A. Zalik.

Trip Leader
Ron Ramspeck

In the fall of 2020 Ron joined AOC at the suggestion of a friend.  Ron has been inspired by several trip leaders and club members; before AOC he never would have believed that he could hike twenty miles with over 4000 ft elevation gain nor ever believed he would run unless a dog chased him.  His first AOC run was a half-marathon; when Ron ran the half-marathon not only was it his first but the first time he ran since playing soccer in high school.  Although he enjoys sunrise solo hikes, he also loves the social interaction and diversity of thought with club members.

The outdoors as well as AOC have grown to be an important part of Ron’s life and supports a great work – life balance.   Ron currently hikes weekly, runs and has started regular strength training.   In the near future he will add cycling and swimming to his fitness activities.  Aside from wellness, fitness and work Ron regularly attends small venue general admission alternative rock concerts, the Atlanta Opera and the Atlanta Symphony as well as hosting small dinner parties and baking cakes for work colleagues; he will add daily enjoyment reading for mental fitness.

As a trip leader Ron hopes to be able to lead underserved sunrise activities that are fun and interactive which inspire members to achieve their personal goals.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Ron Ramspeck.

Trip Leader
Ron Walker
I am from Huntsville, Alabama and moved to Atlanta in 1989.  After hiking off and on with other groups I joined the AOC in 2008.
I enjoy day hikes, backpacking, hut to hut trekking, international outdoor trips, and hiking with my dogs.
I hope to lead trips out of state both in the U.S. and overseas. I especially enjoy the European alps.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Ron Walker.

Trip Leader
RonnyJ (Call me Ron)
Ron was born in Chicago where the trails are flat and dull. After moving to Atlanta in 1991 he could usually be found at Sweetwater State Park, Kennesaw Mountain or Redtop Mountain State Park hiking with his wife and kids in tow. It wasn't until he joined the AOC in 2017 that his hikes started getting long and steep and often.
When not on the trail, Ron can be found in his basement woodworking shop where he has been turning out furniture creations since 1995. In fact, he built all of the furniture in his home!
When you hike with Ron, you are sure to sense his quick wit in addition to his quick pace.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by RonnyJ (Call me Ron).

Trip Leader
Stacey Johnson

Stacey is a native Georgian having grown up in Social Circle where she was a cheerleader throughout middle and high school and attended numerous summer camps.  She began her love for the outdoors when her dad bought a lot on Lake Oconee when she was young and they would camp and boat on weekends.  She and her son would spend almost every spring and summer weekend on some outdoor adventure, boating, wakeboarding, camping, hiking or rafting. 

 After college, she became an aerobics and spinning instructor and has taught hundreds of classes over the years.  She is an avid runner having completed numerous half marathons and just completed her 3rd marathon.  Stacey also loves cycling and has participated in almost every BRAG (Bicycle Ride Across Georgia) since 1998.  She’s excited about being a trip leader with the AOC where she can combine her love for the outdoors with her love of meeting people.  She’s met so many wonderful friends through the AOC and can’t wait to share events and experiences with new ones.  

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Stacey Johnson.

Trip Leader
Steve H

Originally from upstate New York, I grew up enjoying the outdoors, camping, backpacking and hiking with family and later in the Boy Scouts. Later, I finally settled to the Atlanta area with my family in 1995 after spending some time in Texas and Alabama. Today, I live in Woodstock and still love the outdoors and have been continuing these activities here in the North Georgia and surrounding area. My favorite activities is hiking, trail running and backpacking D5 and D6 events with the AOC. I enjoy a physical challenge on our hikes and also just love meeting new people who also enjoy these outdoor activities. As far as hiking goals, I'm currently section hiking the AT, and working on my Georgia 4K and North Carolina 6K lists. 

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Steve H.

Trip Leader
Steven R

A Georgia native, Steven grew up in the west Atlanta County of Paulding. There on his family's small farm he fell in love with the great outdoors and the great adventures that can be had.  In fact, his first job was with Pickett's Mill State Park where he worked closely with nature and visitors as a park ranger. It is there that he polished his skills as trip leader guiding history and nature enthusiasts of all ages.

Today, Steven is still very much a nature enthusiast. That very enthusiasm inspired him to take up photography and embark on adventures abroad such as the Inca trail.

While he enjoys the solitude of nature, he prefers the company of friends, which is why he looks forward to many years with the AOC. You can expect Steven to provide a wide selection of adventures from hikes, kayaking, backpacking, and travel adventures!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Steven R.

Trip Leader
Sue M.

This city girl never experienced the outdoors while growing up in NY.   After finding myself wanting to be more active at this point in my life I stumbled across the AOC page on facebook.  After viewing pictures of people having fun in the outdoors I decided to give it a try.  Since joining the AOC in March 2012 I feel fortunate to have made terrific new friends on dozens of club events and look forward to more activities with the club both as a participant and trip leader.


I enjoy the beautiful trails of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area.  As an AOC trip leader I enjoy offering members more opportunities to enjoy D2 level moderately paced hikes at Island Ford, Vickery Creek and other CRNRA parks here in the metro Atlanta area.     

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Sue M..

Trip Leader
Teresa S.

I grew up and went to college in the most exciting city in this world, Shanghai, China.  After college, I lived in Shanghai, Hongkong and Singapore for my jobs as an advertising sales manager for a major trade publishing company.  My years in Asia have instilled in me values of family harmony, work ethics, compassion and respect for elders.  I came to the US for graduate study in Marketing Research at UGA Terry Business School at the age of 26 followed by a long career in supply chain management till now.  My years in the US have given me tremendous opportunities to become who I want to be by working harder, thinking outside the box and being assertive in pursuing my dreams.  Most importantly, I developed my passion for an active lifestyle.  I enjoy traveling, road running, trail running, hiking, walking, playing pickleball and hot yoga.  Learning how to ski is on my list to do.   Moving my body under the sun in nature is my therapy during good, hard and challenging times.  I am a breast cancer thriver and I feel thankful every day for this beautiful thing I am gifted with called LIFE.   It is time now for me to give back by spreading the spirit of staying positive, active and grateful. I look forward to continuing to inspire and be inspired!!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Teresa S..

Trip Leader
Tim W

I'm a native Georgian and currently live in East Cobb about 5 miles from where I grew up.

I rekindled my love for hiking on a trip with my sister to the Grand Canyon about 10 years ago and

have since taken a week or two each year to hike and backpack throughout the west and southwest.

As inspiring as hiking can be it sometimes takes inspiration to get started and keep it up.

Inspired by a show I saw on Netflix, my first multi-week backpack trip was the John Muir Trail in 2016.


I first heard about the AOC when I met a longtime member at a campsite in the backcountry of Olympic National

Park in Washington. Now I'm lucky to know  so many other like-minded people in the club who actually

enjoy getting up before dawn, driving 2 hours and hiking 6-7 hours through the mountains. I'm also an avid

cyclist and an occasional swimmer.


See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Tim W.

Trip Leader
Todd M

Originally from Wisconsin, Todd grew up around lakes where his parents instilled in him a great love of the outdoors. Later, he discovered he enjoyed climbing just about anything.. trees, rocks, mountains.

In 1988, he moved to the Atlanta area and became active in all types of outdoor activities, including hiking and backpacking with the Sierra Club.

He became a professional arborist, where he found he could make a living climbing trees.

In 1993 Todd moved to Seattle where he joined the Seattle Mountaineers and climbed several glacier covered peaks. He then returned to Atlanta area in 1994. He now makes a living as a software engineer, but considers himself an all around outdoorsman.

Todd discovered the AOC in 2009, and has participated on numerous hikes. He decided it would be a great idea to become a hike leader in order to share some of the great outdoor places he likes to consider his 2nd home. His main club interests are hiking, mountain biking, backpacking, and is open to new adventures such as trips to distant mountainous destinations.

He used to prefer a faster hiking pace, but now prefers a medium pace.. fast enough to get a workout, but slow enough to enjoy the scenery.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Todd M.

Trip Leader
Tom Jarosz

Tom is a originally from Chicago and moved to Atlanta in 1993. Since moving to Atlanta, Tom acquired a deep passion for outdoor adventure trips and travel. Tom started hiking & backpacking in 1997. Tom enjoys spending most of his weekends hiking/backpacking in the mountains, long distance running, workouts at the gym, group cycling, and the abundant adventures that the Southeast has to offer. He has completed numerous half and full marathons, hiked the Inca Trail and climbed three of the Seven Summits - Mt. Aconcagua (22,841 ft), Mt. Kilimanjaro (19,340 ft), Mt. Elbrus (18,510 ft). In addition, Tom climbed Mt. Rainer (14,410 ft) twice, Mt. Hood (11,249 ft), Mt. Baker, and Mt. Shasta. His favorite local destination is Siler Bald in North Carolina which he tries to visit several times a year and Cochran Shoals for marathon training. Tom completed over 77 full marathons, since 2008.

International Adventure & Travel Experience: Iceland, Poland, Scotland, Argentina (Patagonia & Aconcagua), Ecuador, Peru (Machu Picchu), India, Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Croatia (Split, Yugoslavia), Canada & Mexico, Egypt, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Africa (Kilimanjaro & Tanzania), Nepal, US & British Virgin Islands.

Navy Veteran

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Tom Jarosz.

Trip Leader
Tony C

Event Interests: Hiking, Backpacking, and Camping

Tony joined the AOC in late 2006 and quickly realized how much fun it is hiking with such a great group of tales of past adventures while moving down the trail or sitting around a warm campfire. He is mainly into hiking and backpacking in N GA and western NC.   But he also has taken trips out West, where he fell in love with desert peaks and those awe-inspiring wide open spaces. Tony is looking forward to many more AOC events with others who share his passion for the truly Great Outdoors.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Tony C.

Trip Leader

Trena spent her childhood in the beautiful State of Washington. She enjoyed summers exploring the great outdoors in the family's 500 acres of Mountain property just outside of Spokane. Like most people growing up in Washington she also spent her winters skiing the mountains there and in nearby Idaho and Oregon. Trena went from Washington to California where she went to college and took up other activities like scuba diving and biking before moving to Georgia by the age of 23 where she's lived ever since.

Trena is married with 3 children, two grown daughters and a younger son. Since joining the AOC in May of 2012 she has gone from not only hiking many of the local trails of Atlanta and North Georgia but also running them. Starting with fitness hikes and progressing to running, Trena ran her first Marathon in October of 2013 and her first ultra marathon in 2014. Adding biking to her list of outdoor activities here in Georgia, she loves finding Greenways and paths to share biking with other AOC members as well.

While Trena trains and enjoys the faster pace on the trails, she also likes the slower paces on the trails and finding a variety of interesting outside activities while enjoying the company of others.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Trena.

Trip Leader
Tricia S.

Tricia is a native from Holland, Michigan before moving to Georgia in 2001. A typical summer growing up on lake Michigan was riding her bike to the beach as a kid and staying all day splashing in the water, playing beach volleyball, going out on boats and camping. Winter would bring other sports such as playing in the snow and ice skating. When it came to school sports, basketball, volleyball and track were played up until High School years. Tricia Attended Ferris State University and spent most of her summers canoeing and tubing on the Muskegon River. In those years RV camping was also introduced to her by her family otherwise know as “luxury camping”. 

"Hiking in Georgia started for me in 2004, when I moved to Kennesaw/Acworth and found that Kennesaw Mountain was a great place for a workout and a great escape after sitting on the computer doing graphic design work. I have been hiking with many different groups over the past few years, Kennesaw Mountain has been my favorite. Over the past year I have been introduced to trail running and backpacking and hope to continue to grow in those areas. Hiking will always be my number one passion and love for the outdoors.”

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Tricia S..

Trip Leader

I was born in Esfahan Iran, a historic city with many ancient mosques, bridges and a palace. At age 15 I was introduced to the great outdoors by my older brother, and reluctantly agreed to hike with him and his college friends.  Beginning with that first hike I fell in love with the mountains, and hiked many of them in Iran such as Tochal (elevation 13,005’) and the country’s highest, Damavand (elev. 18,406’).     I hope that within my lifetime Iran and the U.S. will become allies again so I can plan and offer an AOC trip to the beautiful Tochal and Damavand mountains of my youth.   

I moved to the U. S. in 1977 and lived in Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania and Tennessee before finally settling in Alpharetta, GA.  The Atlanta area offered everything I was looking for - not only the opportunity to continue working, but it was near the North Georgia mountains.  I hiked any chance I had with my children, friends or my dog.  

In 2010 I was searching the Internet for a hiking club - came across the AOC and consider myself very lucky to have found such a fine club.  I feel that the the AOC has re-ignited my youth at heart and given me the opportunity to enjoy many local, national and international hikes and adventures that I otherwise would not be doing by myself.  Perhaps more importantly I have made friends with many wonderful people in the AOC.  In being a  a Trip Leader, I try to help the club continue to provide opportunities to other outdoor enthusiasts as it has provided me.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Victor.

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