Sun, Oct 25 2015 - James E. Edmonds Backcountry Trail (changed to Sunday) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Ann, Ralph Howard
Participants:Ann, Ralph Howard, Shuchi, Tony Tennille, Jon Miner, Dorothea, patricia, Tim G, Kelly M, Jeff Gimpel

Write Up:

It was Parkdale Mills, a cotton mill, that we saw from the overlook.  Well, Ralph got 1836 for an elevation gain, not counting the Tennessee Trail, further research on the elevation gain of the Tennessee Trail was approximately 600 feet.  

You might call this a D5, but it is close, to be sure.

We are leaving it at a D4 - a hard D4, primarily because of the climb out.

For Jon:  Blackrock is 3640 and Ft Mountain is 2850 ft.

Well done everyone!