Sun, Oct 11 2015 - Last minute: Vickery Creek Fitness Hike - 85 Mill Street Roswell Ga (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): | |
Erica B
Participants: | | Tatiana, Rosa B, Suzanne, Erica B, Bob Sal, Lisa, Lisa Maldonado, Diane, Gail S, Linda H |
| Click for Album |
Write Up:What a wonderful day of hiking! From my first event at Island Ford then a quick break for lunch and off to Vickory Creek, me, Gail C., and Linda H were able to enjoy two hiking events today totaling 13 miles. Great job ladies! The rest of our enthusatic hikers for this event enjoyed hiking 5 miles in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Fantastic pace everyone! Additionally, we were able to enjoy some excellent views of the bridge, waterfall, Chattahoochee and nature that are available in our photo album. I look forward to hiking with everyone again soon!