Fri, Nov 27 2015 - #OptOutside Hike and Meditation (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Lisa, Joyce T.
Participants:Lisa, Peter, Joyce T., Coley, Doug C, Larry Cooper, Shanda, Doug, Jennifer Miles, Anthony, Louise, Amy E, Dave, Marion

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Write Up:

What a gorgeous morning to #OptOutside! Our group of fourteen gathered outside the park headquarters at Island Ford, introducing ourselves by sharing what our "fantasy outdoor locale" would be. We set off along the path, amazed at how changed the landscape was, now that many of the leaves have plummeted from the trees. 

For the most part, we had the trails to ourselves. We encountered a few small family groups, couples, runners, and dogs enjoying the sunny weather. By the top of the first hill, we shed layers and wished we had more to shed. Conversation ebbed and flowed. We paused to watch a couple deer very close by, alongside the bank of Beech Creek. As our trail rejoined the Chattahoochee River, we witnessed some fishermen trying their luck. 

We gathered on the grass at the edge of the meadow to take in a few mindful moments. Breathing in, breathing out... we paid attention to the sounds, smells, touches, tastes (yes, even tastes!), and sights around us. Finally, we picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off, and headed our separate ways.

Let's #OptOutside again next Black Friday!

~ Lisa and Joyce