Wed, Jan 20 2016 - Rock on! Wednesday Climbing (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Erica B, John L
Participants:Laura Henchey, Sarah, John L, Erica B, toribarlow, Scott Campbell, Fardis, Mike C

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Write Up:

The weather was perfect, cold and wet, for our indoor climbing event at Stone Summit. This place is amazing as there is something for everyone. Our group of 8 adventerous climbers took advantage of the climbing walls and bouldering room. WE ROCK! We were very lucky this time to have several belays. Our belays, John, Scott,  Sara and Mike assisted,  so that all of the climbers had an opportunity to climbed the walls. Some of the others also enjoyed bouldering. In either case, this was the perfect way to enjoy a cold winter Wednesday. Thanks everyone who attended the event and I hope to climb with everyone again soon!