Tue, Mar 15 2016 - Leita Thompson Morning Fitness Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Trish, Joyce T.
Participants:Trish, Joyce T., Milt K, Larry S, Steve F, Jo V, Jenny C, Jeff, Jeff Gimpel, Christy O, Lance S, Angelika, Norm Melton, Shirley N

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Write Up:

This morning, though the last week of winter, started cool then heated up quickly.  I think we're in for a warm Spring here in Atlanta.  The Redbud trees are blooming, as seen in Joyce's pictures. We hiked our six miles in an hour and fifty-three minutes. The group is strong and stayed together. It's going to be a challenge to keep our pace up as the temperatures climb into summer. But I guess that's why it's called a fitness hike!  Thanks to everyone who came for the workout. You make it fun for the rest of us.