Thu, May 12 2016 - Thursday Morning Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Trish, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Joyce T., Trish, Suzanne, Tracy, Steve S, Larry S, Lisa, Steve F, Bill Lohmeyer, mike hirschmann, Linda H, Jo V, Sharon, Sara F, Bunnie, Vicki R, Shirley N, SusanF, Jeff Gimpel, Jeff |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Not the greatest photos today. :-( I forgot my camera and had to use my I-Phone - - a poor substitute for the Canon that has been my companion on so many hikes. At least the group is represented, and a fine group they were. As usual, all twenty showed up on time for this hotter-than-usual hike. (These AOC members are THE BEST!! - - Loyal, happy, fit, and (relatively) non-complaining about the pace, the hills, and the heat.)
Though the heat made the hike more challenging, the thunderstorms and showers held off till well after we finished. We have become so spoiled by the rain bubble that has protected us for uncountable months. We love it! ~ Joyce