Sun, Jun 12 2016 - She’ll be Coming Around the Mountain: Stone Mt. Cherokee Trail LITE (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Bunnie, Sunae, HK, ANNA P, Jim, Maia, Lemmy, Luz Maria, Dustin

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Write Up:

Today was special. Lemmy joined our hike - - on a surprise visit from Germany before a get-together with his Bavaria group from two years ago. I promised not to post this album until later today, when he would make an unexpected appearance at their gathering. We started our hike early - - 7:30 am - - so we were able to enjoy relative coolness, though we still managed to glisten a bit. (Dustin did a lot of trail running, so he passed glisten into true sweat!) We welcomed a new AOC member, Maia, on her first hike with the club. She's a friendly face that we'll hopefully see often in the coming months. ~ Joyce