Fri, Sep 9 2016 - Dahlonega TrailFest! A weekend of Camping, Hiking & Appalachian Trail Magic (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Charlie Cottingham, Stacey Johnson
Participants: |  | Charlie Cottingham, Stacey Johnson, Olivia McArdle, lraymer, trvrgwn, Aleisha, Jerry K, Lara Chen, Debby Creasy, Andi, Rachel L, Vicky G, Darlia, Ania |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up: We had a blast all weekend at TrailFest! Thanks to our more than 2 dozen AOC volunteers who pitched in so enthusiastically at our "Outreach Tent" on the shady Dahlonega town square and brought dozens of delicious "Trail Magic" treats, refreshments, useful small gear items etc. to share with other outdoor enthusiasts. I think we all agreed what a rewarding experience this was to warm the hearts of potential new members and to interact with key partner organizations of our fine Club.
Thanks to our AOC Social Director Stacey Johnson who did "way more than her share" all weekend to make our Outreach experience such a success and so much fun! She also took lots of colorful group and action photos of us. Here's a convenient link to her online album - hope you enjoy them:
It worked out well again this year for several AOC "Day Trip" volunteers to drive up at their leisure on Saturday morning and join our larger group of AOC campers for the numerous fun options. Our day-trippers this year were Allston Kendall, Diana Dreeben, Eileen Fortner, Brenda Cheatham, Gloria & Jerry Colley, Bill & Cheryl Pike, Susan Watson and Sue Mioduser.
Most of us AOC "Trail-festites"took advantage of our advertised optional Sat afternoon 3-hour carpool excursion up to the nearby Appalachian Trail at "Woody Gap." A couple of new friends of the Club (Nicole and Sarah, and their friendly dogs, Sparty and Halo) also joined us there for a leisurely hike up the AT to the gorgeous "Preacher's Rock" overlook. We enjoyed taking colorful group photos and sharing our Trail Magic donations with hikers whom we met along the way. Thanks to Allston and a couple of our other volunteers for "minding the store" at our Outreach Tent on the square until we returned.
A big pat on the back to our friendly hard-working Trailfest hosts in Dahlonega who made us feel so welcome again this year as they did March a year ago. Kudos also to the 20 or so REI staffers who did a fine job managing the camping this year. and demonstrating their hot new stoves, tents, hammock systems, etc. On Fri and Sat nights we enjoyed blazing campfires with them and about 30 other Trailfest attendees. Thanks also to our friends at Appalachian Outfitters who provided at no charge their lovely shaded campsite where Yahoola Creek flows into the Chestatee River.
It's remarkable that everything at this wonderful annual festival is FREE! - Including 150 square feet of booth space (for not-for-profit exhibitors such as AOC) + camping, parking, music, films, lectures . -Submitted by Charlie, Mon Sep 12th