Sun, Sep 4 2016 - Key swap Amicalola to Hightower Gap 16 miles (View Original Event Details)
Another key swap successfully executed. Team Lisa's mission was to begin at the AT Approach Trail at Amicalola Falls and hike north 16 miles to Hightower Gap. Team Wynn's adventure began with miles of gravel forest service road in the Jeep before even arriving at the Hightower Gap trailhead. They then headed out on foot to march southbound toward Amicalola.
Team Lisa stuck together on the approach trail, climbing steadily up Frosty Mountain, then down toward Nimblewood Gap. Then climbing solidly upward, we reached the top of Springer Mountain and the official southern starting point for the Appalachian Trail. Team Lisa shared the moment with a family on a weekend outing before moving briskly onward to hopefully intercept Team Wynn at the Springer parking lot. And yes! we did. Exchanging fist bumps and - most importantly - car keys, we relaxed, ate lunch and shared brownies.
Packing up, we continued onward. Team Lisa enjoyed the variety of ecocsystems as we walked through the forest. Our descent down Springer Mountain was at times rocky, at times rooty, and at times padded with pine straw. Then the path widened out, our feet were cushioned by soft sand and leaves, and towering hardwoods reminded us of the Pacific Northwest. Moments later we were practically climbing boulders. Continuing along the Three Forks valley, we took a brief side trail to enjoy the majestic Long Creek Falls. We crossed the Benton Mackaye Trail several times, and tackled a couple more bumps in elevation before finally easing on down to Hightower Gap.
As far as Team Wynn... well they did the above hike, backwards. Wynn and Eric surely kept the ladies laughing as they made their way over Springer. They found Lisa's car at Amicalola, as their compadres were hopping into Wynn's Jeep at Hightower. Racing along the winding country roads, they all met up in Dahlonega to dine together once more and share tales from the trail.