Sat, Apr 4 2009 - Dayhike the GA AT - Section 7: Dicks Creek Gap to Bly Gap (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Jennifer Rush, Tony C, Ed Doran
Participants: |  | Tony C, Jennifer Rush, Ed Doran, Scott Looper, Pavan, patricia, Marshall, Duane B, Danny, Caroline, Noreen, Kathy Malone, Gary Babiarz |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Well it turned out to be a challenging but sensational end to the the Dayhike the GA AT series. We couldn't have asked for better weather...just a sunny spring day with rich blue skies, good clean air, and great visibility through the winter views that remained.
After a quick obligatory group photo at Dicks Creek Gap, we all hit the trail....everyone went at their own pace and just did the hike in whatever time they were comfortable with. The trip out was about 9 miles and had about 3000 feet of ascent. Along the trail we enjoyed views of Brasstown Bald about 12 miles to the west and also Hightower Bald, the 4th highest mtn in GA that will hopefully be featured in a new hiking series this coming fall/winter.
We finally made it to the famous tree at Bly Gap (see pics) although the swarms of black flies made it tough to stick around for long.
But just that hike out had made it a D5 already, but we still had to hike all the way back. That was mostly downhill but with still another nearly 2000 feet of additional uphills...and we felt the last couple of them for sure. The back of the group finished in less than 8 hrs while the front finished in well under 7. The total distance was about 18.2 miles with roughly 4850 feet of total ascent.
On making it back to the parking area, the celebration of finishing the GA AT series began with much frivolity and imbibing of spirits. Everyone certainly enjoyed their accomplishment...all hadn't hiked every section of the series, but even just this one alone was tough enjoy to feel satisfied that you completed it.
We had planned on pizza afterwards but most of the group was craving Mexican so we went with that instead. After a hearty meal, we headed home....finished with this long adventure but looking forward to a new one before long. But that's what the AOC is all about and there will be many more in the future.