Thu, Sep 15 2016 - Thursday Morning Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Joyce T., SusanF, Linda H, Larry S, Dave S, Jose F., mike hirschmann, LindseyW, Tracy, Shirley N, Bob R, Sara F, Doug, Steve S, Bette, Gloria Colley, Sharon, Jo V, Memphis Russ, Janet J |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Congratulations to Shirley N. for a remarkable/coincidental day - - her 200th AOC event PLUS her 100th shared event with me! (That means that half of her hikes have been with me!) :-)That was the good news. The not-so-good news is that Sharon F. announced that she will be moving to California very soon, taking Willow, Sitka, and her husband, Rick, with her. We will miss Sharon more than I can say.
We had a scary "first" today - - not one, but TWO copperheads underfoot at different places during our hike. We are learning to keep watch for those well-camouflaged reptiles.
Finally, we welcomed Lindsey, an AOC newcomer, to our Island Ford group today. He kept up without difficulty, so we hope to see him with us often.
We have one more D2 at Island Ford before we bounce up the difficulty rating to a D3. We put a little extra pressure on today and covered over 5.7 miles in our 2 hours. That included our stops for snakes and water! ~ Joyce