Thu, Sep 22 2016 - Fall Equinox Hike at Frazier-Rowe Park with Audubon Society Friends (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): | |
Charlie Cottingham
Participants: | | Charlie Cottingham, Angela |
| |
Write Up:We had a wonderful time on this birding "field trip" offered for the enjoyment of all who love nature by the Atlanta Audubon Society." Our expert guides Stan Chapman & Ralph Smith did a fine job helping us observe more than a dozen different beautiful species including blue jays, mourning doves, nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, crows and cardinals. They patiently answered our many questions about the birds' habitats, migrations and diets - also instructed us in some ot the distinctive field marks on the birds' bodies that aid in identification. Stan demonstated a cool handheld electronic device which brought up nice photos of any entered bird species and played its typical calls & songs.
We wrapped up this memorable outing at about the same time as this year's fall equinox - about 10:21 AM EDT, when the sun passed through the earth's equatorial plane to re-enter the southern hemisphere for the winter - not unlike many of our "fine feathered friends"! - Submitted by Charlie, Sep 22nd