Fri, Oct 21 2016 - Friday Night Urban Walk & Optional Movie in Sandy Springs (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Erica B
Participants: |  | Erica B, Norm Melton, Gayle M., Jennifer C, Barbara, Bo |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:The hike around urban Sandy Springs was a perfect way to spend a Friday evening. An awesome group of 6 hiked 3.5 miles in an hour. We started our hike at the Heritage in Sandy Springs, hiked around Lake Forrest campus, to the historic united methodist church and cemetary, then to the amphitheater, and to the Lefont. Luckily there were no ghosts tonight on our walk through the cemetary. After our walk, we headed to Lefont to see the movie "The Girl on the Train". Excellent movie, walk and company! Thank you hikers for another excellent hike and I hope others will join us for the urban hike and movie on Friday nights.