Tue, Dec 27 2016 - Winter Adventure Hike to Panther Creek Falls (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Ann, Russ
Participants:Carin, Sheri, Ann, Russ, Ralph Howard, Jenny C, Chris C, Andrew C, Jamie C, Robin, Tom, Courtney W, Rick D

Write Up:

What a wonderful midweek holiday hike to one of Georgia's most beautiful waterfalls -- a hike with a reward. It was especially nice to see brothers and sisters from cities afar coming to hike with their mom. We did experience a little on and off rain, but just the misty kind -- enough to cause a litle tingle on the skin. We hiked a total of seven miles with some tricky terrain -- but hey, if it was easy, everybody would do it. Thanks everybody for making my first "training hike" a success. And hugs and kisses for everyone :-)
- Russ