Fri, Jan 20 2017 - Late Friday Night Urban Walk & Optional Movie (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Erica B
Participants: |  | Kathie Snyder, Pina R, Erica B, Smitha, Laura S., Donna, Eric M, Norm Melton, Gayle M., Bo, Diana, JennyC |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:The weather was like spring for our night time hike through Sandy Springs. Due to a great deal of construction and land moving equipment in our usual path, we took an alternate route. Our group of 12 hiked up to Lake Forest, Sandy Springs Cricle, the Heritage, Ampitheater, and the City Walk for 3 miles. Afterwards a couple of us stayed to watch a movie at the Lefont. Thanks for an excellent Friday night!