Tue, Mar 14 2017 - Leita Thompson Morning Fitness Hike (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
LindseyW, Trish
Participants: |  | Trish, LindseyW, JoanneR, Bette, Dan R, Linda H, Larry S, Jeff, Sharon, Suzanne, Memphis Russ, Gloria Colley, Bob R, Shirley N, Jo V, Jeff Gimpel, Leigh B, Jenny S. |
| |
Write Up:What looked like it might be a windy, cold, drizzly morning hike turned out to be
relatively pleasant for the Leita Thompson hiking group. Some of us even had to shed
some layers as we got warmed up along the undulating trail. Before we even got
started we had some frivolity as young Jeff (not to be confused with younger Jeff) was
presented with 3 coat hangers by 3 amigos (friends, really?). At first, I thought it had to
do with a wardrobe problem or Jeff has trouble scratching the middle of his back. But
alas, it was his friends paying it forward in case he locks his keys in the car again.
(Guess his trunk still opened.) Eighteen of us proceeded on our hike led by co-leader
Lindsey (that’d be me) who was allowed to wander the park for an hour with no clue
where he was going. Finally reaching a dead end, Trish our knowledgeable leader, took
us the rest of the way and safely back.
As it was “Pi” Day (March 16 – 3.14) we were able to somehow miraculously hike
exactly 6.28 (2 X 3.14) if you average everyone’s mileage trackers and fudge.
Speaking of sweets, after eleven us had a delightful lunch at Fickle Pickle in old
Roswell, the group went to the Pie Hole, and “fell in” for some delicious pie in
celebration of…you guessed it, Pi Day. ~Lindsey