Mon, Mar 20 2017 - Vickery Creek - - Oxbo Road Parking (Beginners Welcome) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Gayle M., Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Linda H, Shirley N, Bette, mike hirschmann, Donna P, Dan R, Doug, Jennifer W, Gayle M., Bill C, Patty, Bill Lohmeyer, Darleen, Holt Ward, Bruce P, Adrienne, Diana, Pete, Lynn F.

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Write Up:

This may very well be the last perfect day until early fall - - at least it was the last perfect day of spring! It started chilly, but as you can see from the photos, many of the group were down to short-sleeve shirts after the first ascent.

Our route today was not the typical Vickery Creek route. In fact, some of the guys suspected that I might not know where I was going! (How could they think I didn't know where I was or where I was going??) We took a variety of trails both in and out of the park, and completed 4.6 miles right on time!

It was great to see Adrienne and Diana after a year's hiatus! And a special treat was seeing Dan's brand new Miata when we finished the hike. You can see a photo of the car at the end of the album.

We missed Trena, and hope she has a successful race in Oregon. ~ Joyce