Thu, Apr 27 2017 - Thursday Morning Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Lisa
Participants:Lisa, Leigh B, Shirley N, Linda H, Milt K, Suzanne, Doug, Lyn S

Write Up:

What do we like about the rain? 

It helps the flowers grow, it sounds lovely while lying in bed at night, it waters in the new landscaping, it creates a stillness all around, it smells fresh, it cleans the air... these were but some of the reasons we listed for coming out to hike despite a 90% chance of showers. Miraculously, Joyce's transcontinental rain bubble held fast, and we stayed dry. We spotted a few deer who paused to watch us trek past. 

Afterwards, most of us gathered at the North River Tavern where we ran into a few D-zero hikers who joined us for libations and cameraderie.