Sat, Jun 17 2017 - Rescheduled... Sweetwater at Night! An AOC First! Blue, Orange and Yellow Trails (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
John Stirman, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | John Stirman, Joyce T., Diana, Sue M., cindy h, Gayle M., Kim W, Mike C, Matthew, Connie, Smitha, John OBrien, Huiling, Jai S, SteveR, Sharon Baldwin |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Great weather for our second Sweetwater Ranger Night Hike! Today's route was a little longer than the first ranger hike, but it was also faster, so we covered a greater distance in less time (Almost 7 miles in 3 hours)
Ranger Andy did a great job leading our group and providing information about the park and his role there. (He leads many types of groups for hiking, kayaking, etc. at the park.)
The group was well equipped to handle the distance and pace, and we enjoyed friendly conversation with old and new friends.
Most of our hike was completed in natural light, though we used our headlamps and flashlights for the last hour, so we had ample opportunity to enjoy the beautiful woods, see a beautiful sunset, and then focus on the night sounds as darkness enveloped us. ~ Joyce