Thu, Jun 8 2017 - Thursday Morning Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Carol, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Joyce T., Carol, SusanF, Linda H, Larry S, Sharon, Doug, Suzanne, Dan R, Gloria Colley, Bob R, mike hirschmann, Shirley N, Dave S, Jeff Gimpel, Steve F, Bunnie, Leigh B, Memphis Russ, Kathy |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:What a tight knit group - everyone on time, rowdy and ready to go by our 10:30 timeline. We all welcomed Kathy to our group - long time AOCer but new to the Island Ford hike. The air was brisk but humidity remained high. Joyce took off at a blistering pace (we did slow down after our second break, thank goodness!) leading us around the pond and then to the "warm up hill." We hiked around the extremely muddy and somewhat slippery trails as we opted to forego the Lollipop Trail but to explore the ruins instead. More numerous breaks are becoming more frequent as we want to ensure that all hikers are staying hydrated. Lunch at North River Tavern followed - the Chicow burger special apparently is too good to pass up! Hope to see all next week as we continue with this great tradition!! ~ Carol