Thu, Jun 15 2017 - Piedmont Park: 3 easy Evening Hikes + Optional free outdoor Atlanta Symphony Concert (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Charlie Cottingham, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Sue M., Eileen F., Gloria Colley, Jerry Colley, Joyce T., Bill T., Gary Babiarz, Huiling, Barbara, Kristi |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Talk about luck and a most splendid rain bubble . . .
Several of our registrants couldn't make it to Piedmont Park because of the violent thunderstorms in the Atlanta vicinity. But ten members took a chance and met on Elmwood to walk into Piedmont Park. No sooner did we pass through the gates on the Park Road Bridge then thunder rumbled and high winds shook the trees. Our group headed for shelter under a bridge, expecting the worst; however the worst never materialized. Instead, the skies cleared and we had beautiful weather for the next two hours.
While some of the group watched our chairs and other belongings, others took plastic bags and picked up trash before the concert as we hiked around Lake Clara Meer.
The concert was terrific with hundreds of people of all ages enjoying the music. After a rallying rendition of Stars and Stripes, we packed up our gear and hiked across the park, reaching our cars, dry and happy for a great evening. ~ Joyce