Sat, Jul 29 2017 - Hike Inn Trail (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Gayle M., Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Gayle M., Joyce T., Mike M, Phyllis, Sue M., cindy h, Larry S, Kate S, Allison B., gail, Joy, Gloria Colley, Brian W, Sunae, Chris, Dave S |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Apologies for all the grainy pictures. My camera was on the wrong setting all day. No wonder I had problems focusing! Too bad, because it was a splendidly beautiful day for photos.
We had such perfect weather for our nearly 11 mile hike. The temperature never got above the 70's and we had a refreshing breeze for nearly the entire hike. We sweated, but actually got chills, too. (Wet shirts and cool breezes will make that happen!)
To add a twist to the hike, Gayle led us on the Fire Trail/Cove Trail on our return hike. This added a little mileage and introduced us to a very nice little extension.
When we finished, we had tired feet, but big smiles for an excellent day in the woods. ~ Joyce