Mon, Jan 15 2018 - 24 Gun Trail at Kennesaw Mountain (Beginners Welcome) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T., Trena
Participants:Trena, Joyce T., Sharon C., Judy, Larry S, Bruce R, mike hirschmann, Lynn F., Carol, Casey, mpakchar, Patty, Dan R, Linda C, Evy, Wendy B, Gerrilyn, Holt Ward, JoanneR, RichardR

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Write Up:

We snatched some beautiful weather for our scenic hike on the 24-Gun Trail at the Kennesaw Battlefield. We started out cold, but with a brisk pace, set by our Alph-hiker Matt, and slowly rising morning temperatures, we warmed up quickly.

This was a two dog hike, with our favorite hiking buddy, Summer, and a new pup, Sam, who belongs to Gerrilyn's daughter, Natalie. (Natalie, Sam behaved himself like a perfect gentle-dog today!)

This trail is perfect to add to a longer hike at Kennesaw or just as a hiking trail on its own. Though there are lots of roots and rocks to navigate, it's flat, so it's one beginners can tackle easily.

A group headed for Mountain Biscuit, just down the street, for an after-hike meal.  ~ Joyce