Wed, Jan 31 2018 - Eclipse of a rare Blue Moon! An early morning Stone Mountain Skygazing Adventure (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charlie Cottingham, Mark
Participants:Charlie Cottingham, Mark, Mer, Aaron, Huiling, Vera N, Vicky G, Christine, Iris, Dairlyn, Kristi, Lisa, Sunae, Diane Windham, Jean, Pam Y

Write Up:

We had a blast together on "the Big Rock" this morning and felt blessed to have awesome views of the "Eclipsing-while-setting Blue-Blood-Super-Moon" - a spectacle that few of us will get to experience again in our lifetime. The summit of Stone Mountain proved to be a fine spot to watch the earth's shadow slide down obliquely over the moon at the same time that a brilliant red sunrise was lighting up the opposite eastern horizon.
  Just before we got back down to Confederate Hall
 via the Walkup Trail we were treated to a final dramatic view of the thin bright crescent that remained of the moon just before it set over Buckhead. A hearty high five to everyone who braved the winter chill to make this unforgettable AOC event happen!
  We appreciate the nice photos of the event that Huiling, Meredith and others of you are sharing and have already been posting on our AOC Facebook page at this link:

Mark and I are excited about returning late this afternoon  to the summit of Stone Mtn with a second big group of AOC hiker-skygazers.  We'll get to witness a "resurrection" of same full "Blue Super Moon" as it rises in the eastern sky after orbiting halfway around the earth and emerging from our planet's total-eclipse shadow while over the Pacific Ocean.  A few minutes before moonrise this evening we're also likely to see a beautiful sunset over downtown Atlanta.
- submitted by Charlie, Wed afternoon Jan 31st.