Thu, Jun 21 2018 - Thursday Morning Semi-Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Carol, Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Carol, Jose F., SusanF, Dan R, Gloria Colley, DavidV, Shirley N, Leigh B, Doug, Larry S, Allen D, Michael S, Dave P, Bob R, Steve F, Dave S, Suzanne

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Write Up:

We had a couple of last minute drop outs which kept us at 18 today.  Our "family" was up to the task of our hike.  We started around the pond and of course tackled THE HILL.  Today David V. and Allen raced to the top - not quite sure who actually came in first as they were much further ahead than the rest of the group!!  We were able to hike the Lollipop Trail and walking along the river felt as if we had walked into an airconditioned room.  Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last!  It was quite humid today but fortunately it stayed overcast which kept the overall temperatures down.  We maintained a nice pace getting in around 5 1/2 miles this morning.  A dozen made their way to North River Tavern after the hike.  Looking forward to being with my extended family again next Thursday! ~ Carol