Thu, Nov 1 2018 - Thursday Morning Semi-Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Carol, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Joyce T., Carol, Jose F., SusanF, Dan R, Memphis Russ, Linda H, Gerrilyn, Suzanne, Shirley N, Lyn S, Sharon C., Larry S, Judy, John B, DavidV, Dave S, Michael S, Casey, Bob R |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:Another Thursday - another threat of rain! And lo and behold, the rain held off for us to get in our 5.5 miles of hiking with no problems whatsoever. The race to the top of the warmup hill today was between John and David V. It was a tight race, but in the end, John overcame David! Who will be first next week??? Joyce made a beautiful rock that she placed on the trail. And now the rain begins!! Hope to see everyone next week! ~ Joyce