Thu, Nov 22 2018 - Thanksgiving Morning Semi-Fitness Hike at Island Ford - Earlier Time!! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Carol, Joyce T.
Participants:Samantha K, Joyce T., Carol, SusanF, Jose F., Memphis Russ, Greg Walling, Tim, Dave S, Leigh B, Ross K, Barbara, Dan R, Jeff Gimpel, DavidV, Amanda M., Norm Melton, Yan, Dave, Joy, Bob R, Cathy, Larry S, A-M

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Write Up:

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.  Can't think of a better way to start our day.  Want to thank everyone for being a part of our family.  Thank you for showing up.  Thank you for being there for us when we need a little boost.  We had a great hike today with crisp temperatures;  started off with numerous layers but the morning warmed up quickly and we quickly took layers off.  Hope everyone has a great rest of the day and remember to sign up tonight for next week's hike:) ~ Carol