Thu, Jan 3 2019 - First 2019 Thursday Morning Semi-Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Carol, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Joyce T., Carol, Dan R, Evy, Barry Polon, Linda H, Larry S, Bunnie, Dan C, Bob R, DavidV, Tracy, regina k, mike hirschmann, Allen D, Jeff Gimpel, Steve F, Memphis Russ, Shirley N, Jose F. |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:The first Thursday morning Island Ford Hike of 2019 with a forecast of rain. Yes, we hiked and yes, Joyce was present. Consequently, the Joyce bubble was in full force. We had a couple of drops of rain at the onset of the hike, but less than 2 or 3 minutes into the hike, the rain dissipated. Allen brought along his sledge hammer to sink the rebars into the ground (he had received prior permission from the Park Rangers prior to the shut down) so we now have fewer rebars sticking up to concern ourselves with! We were able to celebrate Carol's 400th hike and bring in the New Year with our Thursday morning family. Trails were extremely wet, muddy and slippery; consequently, we stayed on the higher trails and avoided those by the river. To further celebrate, 15 of us made our way over to North River Tavern for lunch. Could not have asked for a better way to start off our 2019 Island Ford Thursday Morning Hikes. Thanks to you all for believing in the Joyce "Bubble!" ~ Carol