Sat, Aug 29 2009 - Three Forks waterfalls hiking and swimming (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): | |
Tony C, Tracey Steiner
Participants: | | Tony C, Tracey Steiner, Ariel Bravy, cliff j, Arlene S, Jon Miner, Larry Cooper, Marty, Steve Hinkle, Dale Newnham, Phyllis Melton, Lynn, Suzie Q, Jay Grygo, Kristen M |
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Write Up:We had beauitiful weather for our hike today and thankfully all the isolated showers that were forecast were isolated somewhere far away. We had a few dark clouds threaten at one point, but they quickly moved on and were replaced once again blue skies and sunshine.
We started out with our mini water crossing, but the levels were low enough that we could rock hop need to change shoes. We hiked three miles to Overlfow Creek where we played in the swimming hole below waterfall #1. The water was chilly at first but you quickly became used to it and then it felt refreshing. Arial and Larry were the only one brave enough to jump from the top of of the falls (see pics).
From here we hiked back up the trail and then down to Three Forks. This was the highlight of the day's activities and we took a long ~90 minute break here just swimming and exploring and having fun. Most of the group went up Holcomb Creek to see the incredible rock gorge with about 4 or 5 little waterfalls and cascades coming down it. The rest played in the falls at the end of Big Creek and soaked in the natural rock jacuzzis.
After drying off and having a long lunch, we headed to the next falls on Big Creek. It was a short steep hike down to the creek, but well worth it. Then onto the main Big Creek falls where we took another long break to swim and take many photos....testing out how waterproof our non-waterproof cameras were. Trip leader Tony managed to get halfway behind the falls and snapped a few shots, hopefully which came out well.
We then headed out...and a long climb up that last hill that was not as uneventful as we would have liked.....unfortunately a few in our group received numerous yellowjacket stings. However, multiple doses of benadryl were administered and everyone was ok...just a minor annoyance an otherwise beautiful day of hiking and swimming and hanging with great company.
Ariel's pics: