Thu, Mar 14 2019 - Thursday Morning Semi-Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): | |
Carol, Joyce T.
Participants: | | Joyce T., Carol, SusanF, Jose F., Bob G, Casey, Barry Polon, Larry S, Memphis Russ, Michelle D, Steve S, Dan R, Steve F, Bob R, Dave P, Shirley N, Suzanne, Lyn S, Tracy, regina k, DavidV |
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Write Up:Another Thursday Morning and numerous reasons to celebrate: Pi Day for the math folks and the upcoming St. Patrick's Day for all of the Irish in all of us:) Joyce brought green bandanas for all to wear to celebrate the day. But most of all, we celebrated Bob's last Thursday Morning Island Ford Hike as a single man. He is getting married this coming Saturday. A big congrats to Bob. Casey led us today on the warm up hill. We went to the stem of the lollipop trail but mostly stayed within the confines of the lower Island Ford trails. We were once again, in the Joyce umbrella as it appeared that it may rain when we first arrived. But lo and behold, we had no rain whatsoever! And, we are starting to see signs of Spring; hopefully, with some of the rain leaving us. We ran into Renegade Jeff (his new nickname) as we hiked. So our Thursday morning family was completed and a good time was had by all. 18 hikers continued with the celebrations at North River Tavern. No wonder our Thursday mornings are great:) ~ Carol