Sat, Jan 11 2020 - Saturday Morning at Sope Creek - - Starting at Sope Creek Elementary School (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Shelley, Tom, Mike M, Lyn S, Marylee B., Sherrie G, Allan, Becky D, Michelle D, Rick G., Rocky M, Shyamala, Claudia, Christa

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Write Up:

It was a bit of a weather-gamble this morning as to whether or not we'd catch some of the 40% shower possibility - - but it was a gamble we won! Everyone was warned to bring rain gear, and we all knew that we'd likely get some light rain, but these 15 members were fine with that risk. Our initial group picture shows everyone ready for precipitation. But by the time we took our first water break, the rain gear was shed and we had a wonderful 2.5 hour hike with only a cooling mist falling from time to time.. We couldn't believe our good fortune!

I almost never cancel a hike the night before when rain is in the forecast, because conditions change drastically overnight. I'm so grateful that 15 members were willing to take the chance on hiking this morning. We were able to cover around 6.2 miles of beautiful trails while sharing lots of friendly coversation along the way. ~ Joyce