Sat, Jun 13 2020 - Hyde Farm - Mulberry Creek (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Holt Ward
Participants:Holt Ward, Rocky M, Claudia, Shirley N, Dan C, Becky D, Mike M, Joyce T., Wendy M, Dairlyn

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Write Up:

A great group for a great hike at Hyde Farm, one of my favorite places to hike in metro Atlanta.  We circled the pond before heading down to Mulberry Creek which we walked along (and crossed numerous times) for about a mile.  Then we crossed Mulberry creek one last time before dipping into the Johnson Ferry North unit of CRNRA.  We walked along the duck pond before heading over to the banks of the Chattahoochee.  We headed back to the Hyde Farm property where we traversed from one end of the park to the other, getting a few climbs in along the way. 

Our last leg of the hike took us to Morgan Falls Dam where we viewed the 1904 hydroelectric dam that was built to produce power for the city of Atlanta street car system in the early 1900's.  We did one last climb back to the ridgeline and our cars.  For those interested, I took the group back down to the Powers/ Hyde family homestead where I shared a few details about the active farm that operated there for nearly 175 years.  Our hike clocked in at 5.5 miles in a little more than 2 hours.  ~ Holt